Recipe - Brussels Sprouts

Fast, Easy & Healthy recipe that I recomend to eat right away or make & take in lunches for a few days. Be warned that your house may smell like brussels sprouts for a few hours after making.

Pan-Seared Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries & Pecans
Serves 3-4
1 pound brussels sprouts, de-stemed and halved
2/3 cup fresh cranberries or craisins
1/3 cup gorgonzola or feta cheese, crumbled
1/3 cup pecans
2 cups barley, cooked
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Salt & pepper
Heat skillet with drizzling of olive oil over medium heat. Season brussels sprouts with salt & pepper and combine with cranberries in skillet.