December Goals

likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
I just looked at Endomondo. I have 345 Endomondo miles for the year (which may or may not correspond with reality-miles, but close enough). If you add in January and February C25k and I get off my butt in December....

I could actually do 400 miles for the year.

My goal next year will be to double that.

15.5 miles a week

66.75 miles a month

800 miles in 2014

As far as December Goals - I really and truly will start cross training this month. 3x/wk. I'm thinking planks, lunges, squats and pushups if I can't make it to the gym.


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did not know Endomondo kept those stats. My total distance with them is 253.58, which is higher than I expected. I didn't start using that app until after graduating from C25K. I do have some walks/hikes on there so those aren't all running miles. But hey I've burned 99 burgers. (That sounds like a real-life story not an Endomondo story.) Just clicked on the stats button - 136 miles of those are running miles. I haven't used Endomondo for all my runs (don't use it for my treadmill runs, and there are a couple of shorter runs where I've just used my Garmin & skipped Endomondo), but still that's pretty cool to know. Love to get my geek on.

    Still have to ponder my December goals.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Varda, that's a great number of running miles! Way to go!

    I've been keeping track of my run/walks over the year on RunningAHEAD and have logged 751Km to date. I haven't kept track of how many of these were running miles. I never thought of that at first and kind of wish I had. It's something I'll have to try to separate out for next year.
    I would guess that somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 were running miles.

    For December, I want to:
    - keep up my running time and not let the holidays steer me off-course of that. This means 3-4 times a week for 70-90 minutes of run/walk (running 5K minimum each run; aiming for as much as 7K)
    - keep trying to improve my speed by running faster intervals and/or steeper intervals
    - keep having fun and posting here
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Wow! Varda, that's awesome! I wish I had a consistent track...Runtastic would have most, but not all of my runs... I will have to check into that.

    Goals, hmm...

    I suppose they would be:

    -Start making my calorie targets again. Every. Single. Day.
    -Run 3 days a week. ( I haven't hit this goal for the past two months!)
    -Run 9 miles continuously by Dec. 31st in under 1:45 (hopefully at a 12:30 pace)
    -Keep work stress at work
    -End the year 60+ pounds lighter than I started it, and a whole lot stronger too!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    My goal for December is just to give my legs a break (which I am doing this week) and do a slow buildup during the month. The new year will start a new training cycle.

    Other than that I need to finish up my training calendar for next year. I have my running plan mapped out until the end of 2014. In the spring I begin two 16-week marathon training plans leading up to the Savannah Rock & Roll Marathon in November.

    438 miles for this year, and I'm sure I'll do a lot more next year.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    RunDouble has me at over 350 miles since I started in April (including warm-ups and cool downs), almost 300 running miles. WOW! Not bad since I didn't start until late in April.

    Hoping to hit 200 miles total running, walking, and biking in December. Also hoping to add strength training.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    My goals for December are:

    Finish c25k with my kids (only 2 weeks to go)
    Start training for my next 10k (end of March)
    Lose another 2lb to make it a 3 stone weight loss for the year (maybe it's the wrong time of year for this one!)
    Keep up my weight lifting
    Do more cross training
    Enjoy Christmas without worrying about what I'm eating (because I'm responsible enough to make sensible choices.... But I'm also realistic, lol!)
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    My goals for December:

    Do some exercise every day. It doesn't have to be more than 15 minutes, but something. Attending a flyball tournament, barn hunt, or nosework test with my dogs counts.

    Per week (minimum is 3 days a week, only allowed to drop down to 2 days per week if the weekend has me at a dog activity):
    - strength training of some sort (weight machines at work or body weight strength training at home). Aim for 3 days (M/W/F).
    - water aeobics and/or lap swimming which shouldn't be too hard as I have twice a week swim lessons for the next three weeks. Aim for 3 days (T/Th/Sa).
    - running. Aim for three days (W/F/Su), but allow alternate cardio (exercise bike at the gym at work, Wii at home) on Wednesday if the dark and weather are not right for a run

    It actually will be harder from Dec 24th through to the next year because I'm off work. For some reason I get comfy and settled and don't want to go outside, especially when visiting relatives.

    Keep eating right and losing weight.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm the same way when I'm out of my usual routine. I'm thinking about putting butterfly stickers in strategic places in the house to remind me to exercise. I just forget.

    Romy - I'm so excited for your kids! You have anything special planned for "graduation"?
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Well December marks 8 months since I became a runner. I logged 152 miles on RunDouble and 221 miles on MapMyFitness. I did not use the apps for all my runs, but I have switched to Nike so will try to make sure i have a good log of my miles for 2014. I have been slipping a bit as the temperature dropped, so my goal for December is to run a 5K at least 3 times a week, totaling 37 miles for the month. I think if I can manage that during the holidays and cold weather I can feel like I am finishing the year off strong. I also would like to do Jillian Michael's Body Revolution 2 to 4 times a week.

    As for 2014, a sub 30 minute 5K, a half marathon and maintaining a running schedule of 3 to 4 times a week.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I've been running since July and have 76.06 miles on RunDouble and 116.3 miles on Nike+. In 5 months that's192.36 miles for 5 months. I'll have a lot more next year. This month my goal is 60 miles running and 60 miles biking. I'll hit 8 miles for my long run by the end of the month.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member

    Romy - I'm so excited for your kids! You have anything special planned for "graduation"?

    I hadn't but now you have mentioned it I think I should!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Maybe you could make them finishers medals out of paper or something? And chocolate milk?
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    My December goals are... modest. This is by far my busiest time of year at work and I have scaled back my expectations of myself so:

    Run 3 times a week. (5K if I am outside, half an hour if I am on a treadmill. I am not looking to increase my mileage or anything this month, just staying where I am and being consistent will be a win)
    Actually use the gym I have joined and not yet visited. (It is 5 minutes from my work and I hope to be able to use it on the days I have an hour and a half between shifts)
    Shed 6lbs. (This puts me into the "normal" BMI range with a few lbs to spare, and basically at acceptable-my-new-clothes-fit-me-again-goal. Ultimate goal -where I was at before I put weight back on this summer- is only 13lbs away.)

    I only started tracking my mileage on the 13th of October with my C25K (re)graduation run. Runtastic has me at 53 miles for October and 73 for November.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I checked Runtastic and it has me at 217 miles for the year (starting in late March). October was pitiful, and November was only 31miles even with the longer duration of my runs. I guess it is missing a few treadmill sessions, and those track runs where the gps crapped out on me. But I've got to do better than that! So...December goal is 40 miles. That should be doable! Goal for the year 2014? Hmmm...500 miles at least!

    Those are running miles miles are 317.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I've clocked a total of 131miles since I got my Garmin in August - no idea what I ran before then but I was doing C25K so I can't imagine it was anything huge (did the timed version so not a clue how far I was running each session).

    I think for 2014 I'll try and aim for 50miles per month - some months will be easier than others I guess but as I won't need any more eye surgery, I refuse to get a chest infection and work will be more settled then it should be achievable.

    This month so far I've only ran 7 miles ... appalling ... and that was on a treadmill. I've decided I don't like treadmills.

    Tomorrow I'm back out on the trail though - both eyes now fully functioning so I can be trusted to run outside without getting knocked down or stepping on kittens. Hopefully I'll stay out for 1.5hrs and see how far I can get but I fully expect I'll need to walk a bit along the way as it feels like centuries since I last ran properly.

    For December I want to hit 10miles on my last long run of the year. I think I can do it as motivation is high after my lay off - my legs may have other ideas :bigsmile:
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I was going to try and get to the park every day when off work, that is for my walk and for the dogs. I have a good excuse this past weekend, but last weekend was because I was lazy lol. Plus with the cooler temps I dont' want the dogs running into the water, but I guess I can combat that with towels in the car lol. Going to try and go this week (Wed, Thurs, Fri) so my dogs get in some play time.

    My running goal is 50. So far I have hit 18.75. So I should hit the goal. I start training for my 2nd half marathon the week of Christmas. I am doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate HM program and bringing in some speed work. HM is in March.

    Yam~ I don't like treadmills either. I got stuck on one on Saturday due to nasty weather and I just ended up doing a 30 minutes hilly workout to get it done faster. Was supposed to be a long run, but something about staring out at a stop sign for 60 minutes doesn't appeal to me lol.

    Tried my new CW-X tights! Did a write up on them in C25K on the daily chat thread. I love them! And seriously thinking about getting a second pair.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I have a good chance of hitting 500 miles this year so that's another thing I am going for. Just 27 miles to go! I've been ramping up mileage this month as much as I can with some minor pains here and there.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    My goals for December are:

    Finish c25k with my kids (only 2 weeks to go)
    Start training for my next 10k (end of March)
    Lose another 2lb to make it a 3 stone weight loss for the year (maybe it's the wrong time of year for this one!)
    Keep up my weight lifting
    Do more cross training
    Enjoy Christmas without worrying about what I'm eating (because I'm responsible enough to make sensible choices.... But I'm also realistic, lol!)

    So....I've not managed to attain many of my goals this month! Still haven't finished c25k with my kids, the weather has been atrocious and while I don't mind running in bad weather myself I wouldn't want to put my kids off running! I haven't managed to do much weight lifting, and haven't done any cross training. But on the positive side I have started training for my next race and I didn't worry about what I ate at Christmas!

    It's my oldest daughter's 16th birthday tomorrow, she wants pizza and ice cream and a cookie cake, so I'll not be worrying about what I'm eating tomorrow either, lol!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My goals for December are:

    Finish c25k with my kids (only 2 weeks to go)
    Start training for my next 10k (end of March)
    Lose another 2lb to make it a 3 stone weight loss for the year (maybe it's the wrong time of year for this one!)
    Keep up my weight lifting
    Do more cross training
    Enjoy Christmas without worrying about what I'm eating (because I'm responsible enough to make sensible choices.... But I'm also realistic, lol!)

    So....I've not managed to attain many of my goals this month! Still haven't finished c25k with my kids, the weather has been atrocious and while I don't mind running in bad weather myself I wouldn't want to put my kids off running! I haven't managed to do much weight lifting, and haven't done any cross training. But on the positive side I have started training for my next race and I didn't worry about what I ate at Christmas!

    It's my oldest daughter's 16th birthday tomorrow, she wants pizza and ice cream and a cookie cake, so I'll not be worrying about what I'm eating tomorrow either, lol!

    Me neither. I don't feel like I've back-tracked any, though. It's just been a busy month.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm 4 miles away from hitting 500 for the year. Had a few minor aches & pains this month but as of right now I think I'm over those issues. I gave myself a good rest early in the month and have built up my mileage at a pretty good rate. The holidays have kept me out of the gym a lot but I haven't stopped running. I'm looking forward to getting back into a regular routine next week.