
I am 6 weeks out and so far have lost 23 pounds and most of that was in the first month. The past week I have barely lost anything and it is really frustrating!! I have been exercising 3-4 times a week and watching what I eat, but it's like nothing is happening. I don't know if I should be worrying or if I should just keep doing what I am doing and not worry too much. I do notice my clothes are lose, even the newer smaller sizes I am wearing and that I now eat almost the full cup of food at meals but the doctor said that was good so I am just confused... :(


  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Evetyone hits stalls. Make sure you weigh and log your food to make sure of what you are taking in. Stick to the plan. It will work. Honest.
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    It's completely normal. Everyone seems to hit a plateau after a while. Some longer than others. Mine lasted over a month, but I've seen some people on here only had them last about a week. Just keep doing what you're doing and eventually you'll start losing again :)
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I've hit so many plateaus along the way over the last 14 months! One of them lasted over 3 months! My dietitian tried to sell me on the "set point theory" thing and I just wouldn't buy it. I kept doing what I knew was right and finally, the scale moved and the inches dropped. As long as you are following the program, it will all work out!!!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I think my average loss per week the second month was 2 pounds, less than half what it was in the first month, but it picked back up in the third month. Just hang in there and make sure you pay as much attention to clothing victories as to scale victories!
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    I posted a similar post a couple weeks ago. It's so frustrating! Looking through my food journal I noticed that I had not consistently hit my 64 oz water goal, so I started working on that and it seemed to help me. Also, I've been to the gym six days a week doing intervals on the treadmill. I'll add weights next week. I think for some of us it's just going to take more work than for others but I keep reminding myself that the scale is going down over time and that's what's important.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I was stalled pretty much the whole 3 weeks I was on purees. Keep doing what you're supposed to do and your body will respond. Also, you might try weighing once per week if you're weighing every day. It's hard to wait a week, but I find I'm a much saner person when I'm focused on my actions (which I control) rather than the scale (which I cannot).
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    When I hit this same wall, my husband reminded me that my body was still in shock from the 25 pounds it lost so quickly. He also reminded me that I was still recovering from surgery. With that in perspective, I kept to the plan, and the weight did continue to come off. I know it is disappointing, but keep with it and you will see amazing thing happen in you body.
  • When I would hit slower periods, my friends told me to measure, so I'm telling you to measure! :)

    My honey kept telling me that the weight did not get on me in a short period, so it wasn't going to come off in a short period either. I know that doesn't make you feel any better, but for me, it put things into perspective. Patience is hard, and I also wanted my weight to drop off faster. Some weeks I would lose 5-8 pounds, and other weeks, I would lose 0.2. Give yourself time and follow the rules. You will do well. :)
  • What surgery did you have?
  • tabatham1982
    tabatham1982 Posts: 68 Member
    I had the roux en y
  • I am about 6 mos out and I stall pretty regularly every 2 weeks, my longest stall was for 12 days I think. I know you cant look at it that way, but it mentally makes me feel broken. But, I am still losing so its all good.
  • Skykilr1
    Skykilr1 Posts: 53 Member
    The nutritionist who worked with my surgeon recommends everyone who's getting the surgeries "Don't look at the scale." Which she would then say "nobody listens to me about that". If people keep checking the scale daily, when the weight loss slows down people naturally get bummed out. Just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing and you'll break thru.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    The nutritionist who worked with my surgeon recommends everyone who's getting the surgeries "Don't look at the scale." Which she would then say "nobody listens to me about that". If people keep checking the scale daily, when the weight loss slows down people naturally get bummed out. Just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing and you'll break thru.

    EXACTLY!!! Don't look to the scale for praise. It's not the best of measures. The scale will depress you more than you know. Keep doing what you are suppose to. Think of the first year as "learning" what you will be doing the rest of your life. Just like getting a degree, you are only at University for four years after that you use what you learned for the rest of your career.

    So take this frist year and learn. Set up the good habits of eating right and exercise. Find an exercise you enjoy. This is a lifetime change you are making. (I'm 3.5 years out from surgery)