WOMP IT! Wed, 4 Dec

chani8 Posts: 946 Member
What's a womp?! Sorry, but the whittle suggestion was too knifey for me. :)

Anyway, I womped out 40 granny pushups (2 sets of 20).


  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Good morning, chani8. Great start to the day.

    I just womped out a college paper, plus these:

    20 squats
    1 plank
    10 biceps curls
    20 twists
    15 granny push ups
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    100 granny pushups so far today!! 100 jump ropes!!

    25 squats with 1 6k db, 20 ballet squats.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    You guys are on fire..
    150 push ups and 50 bicep curls..
    Did insanity last night, you think you are in shape until 5 minutes into the class
    you are already wishing its over.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Good going, sims!

    I'm going to be swamped at work today, so I might not be able to post much after 8:30 a.m. We'll see how it goes.

    25 squats
    25 biceps curls
    I plank
    25 granny push ups

    Heading down to my unheated basement to try some push ups on the stairs.
    10 push ups (stair 2)
    2 push ups (stair 1, next to the floor: progress!)
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    20 granny push ups with 5 kilo backpack on! Womp! Womp!!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    10 squats with a 20 lb bag of dog food, LOL.

    Leaving to walk to work now. Have a great day, everybody.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    Love the dog food weight.
    325 push ups and 100 bicep curls 8#
    OK just looked up 5 kilos so that is a good weight of 11lbs.. Nice going.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    10 squats with a 20 lb bag of dog food, LOL.

    Leaving to walk to work now. Have a great day, everybody.

    Now that's creative exercising!! LOL!! Have a great day!!
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    First checkin for Womp IT Wednesday!

    Walking lunges, 20
    Squats, 12
    pushups ,12
    bucep curls, 36
    flights, 3
    steps, 5811
    h2o, 40.6 oz

    Extra bonus points, was up at 3:45 and to the gym by 4:15 (2 days in a row) for 35 minutes of cardio and a little muscle building :happy:
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Just a thought - the LeanMachines are doing a progressive Advent Calendar in Youtube:


    With today, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 5/5 one legged tricep dips, 5/5 lunges and then to top it off 7 burpees from the SkinnyJeans challenge.

  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    @sims - i know those feels about insanity. it's so rough. You get used to it as you go but man the first time you do that you're like nope i'm done i'm lying down forever.

    Also all you guys are champs. It took me forever to get out of bed this morning. :(

    24 squats, 24 lunges, 24 jumping squats, 24 lunges
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    550 push ups and 125 bicep curls 8#

    Checked out the progressive burpees it will definately work. .. We did some last night and panda, I have not felt like that in a long time.
    Burning in my lungs and praying for that horn to go off.

  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    11Am check in

    Walking lunges, 20
    Squats 36
    push ups 36
    bicep curls 108 6#
    flights 3
    steps 6508
    h2o 64.3 oz

    @Sims QUESTION, I'm doing a modified wall push up, our ladies rooms are all single person, wheelchair accessible so I use the bar for my pushups am I getting as much or similar benefit as a traditional or a step pushup?
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    You guys are really womping it!!

    Me too!

    I got in 100 granny pushups, 40 grannies with 5 kilo weighted backpack, 353 stairs with 5k pack, and a 15 minute outing including an 800 meter jog (not stopping - that's big for me)!
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    24 squats, 24 lunges, 24 jumping squats, 24 lunges
    24 squats, 24 lunges, 24 jumping squats, 24 jumping split lunges
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Just a thought - the LeanMachines are doing a progressive Advent Calendar in Youtube:


    With today, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 5/5 one legged tricep dips, 5/5 lunges and then to top it off 7 burpees from the SkinnyJeans challenge.


    Thanks, I'll check out that calendar!

    25 squats
    10 granny push ups
    1 plank

    Leaving in a few minutes to take my boss to lunch... getting a new boss on Monday.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    What's with the 24, MPanda? Is it your 23rd b'day? ;)
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    I am guessing sets of 12...for panda
    700 push ups 150 bicep curls. 1pm
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    2 pm check in

    walking lunges, 20
    squats, 48
    wall push ups 36
    bicep curls 144 8 #
    REAL push ups 3!!!
    Flights 3
    steps 7478
    h@o 88 oz
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    2:30 leaving at 3 so I am finished for today.. Great day for everyone especailly gee who did something she thought she
    could not do.
    750 push ups 200 bicep curls.. _________________Thursday and also would like to solicate 1 exercise to add to my
    day.... What is that one leg squat? Or something different.. Can not really do any jumping though to much noise.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Triple Play Thursday

    That's all I've got!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Here's some more :-):

    Slo-Mo Monday
    Trash Talkin' Tuesday
    Touchdown Tuesday
    Wild Pitch Wednesday
    Wild Card Wednesday
    Triple Play Thursday
    Fastball Friday
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    What is that one leg squat? Or something different.. Can not really do any jumping though to much noise.

    Pistol squats? Those are killer!