731 miles through the end of November.

fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
800 miles for the year is possible.
Not bad considering just a couple years ago I was swimming only a mile a few times a month.
Not being able to run for exercise left me with few options. Luckily I like swimming.

Several more seasoned swimmers at my Y have said they don't think they could swim as far as I do. But I don't buy it. If you can swim, you can swim distances. It is just a matter of making time and doing it.

I do believe that if I can swim over 2 miles anyone that can swim can do it. It is an great full body workout without joint impact.
Given that I was 310# when I started to push myself to swim more, the no impact part was a big benefit.

I have no plans to compete. I leave that to the true athletes. I do this for myself. To challenge myself with goals I would have thought impossible not long ago.

I haven't decided what my next distance goal will be yet. 10km swim took me 3 hours and 54 minutes. Maybe my next goal can be 10 miles in one day. That would be two 176 lap swims in one day with some rest between.
Or maybe I'll research what I can do to cut my sustainable lap time down (not sprint lap time, though that isn't exactly fast either)

Anyway, I know I'll find a lot of useful tips here.

My only tips are Speedo Endurance Race jammer and Aqua Sphere goggle. The Speedo Endurance is the longest lasting jammer I have found so far. And the Aqua Sphere goggle I found are the most comfortable for me. They sit on the orbital bone not inside. No Marty Feldman Eyes after a 90 lap swim. :)