hello, new & intro

Hello. I purchased the Bodymedia link last week and it is arriving next Friday. I'm excited, I hope the bluetooth works good.
I've been on MFP since April and have lost 30 lbs. I've been losing motivation and although I haven't gained any weight, I haven't lost any since September. I'd like to lose 20 more pounds. So this is my jump start present to myself. I love data and stats so this is going to be great for me. Anyhow, I've been enjoying reading about other people's experiences with it.


  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I hope you love it! I think it's a great motivation tool. Sounds like this is just what you need!
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    You sound similar to me. I lost 50 lbs. on my own, and another 5 since getting my Fitibit (which I love), but I just couldn't shake the desire to have a more accurate accounting of my calorie burn from all daily activities, not just step-based ones. I have 15-20 lbs. to go, and was hoping the BMF would help me get them off.

    I have been wearing both the FB and BMF for about 12 days now, and I'm not sure yet which one I like better. There is of course a difference in their burn estimates, but I had gotten into a good routine with the FB where I knew what my burn needed to be before I went to bed in order to reach my goal, and it will take some time to figure out with the BMF. If you don't already have any type of activity tracker to compare it to, then you will be using it as your baseline, and it should work great for you!

    BTW, I sync mine with a 4th generation iPod, and it works great! I also love the workout feature, where you sync it live to your device via bluetooth for the duration of your workout, and it shows you how many calories you've burned and steps you've taken during your workout.

    Best of luck on the continuation of your journey!