Getting more fat into my diet!

lhefla Posts: 7 Member
Hi everybody! I am new to the LCHF life style and am wondering if some of you could make some recommendations on how to get

more healthy fats into my diet. Seems like every thing i reach for has equal or at times way more protein than fat. I like coconut oil

and am ok with olive oil but i feel like i am trying to slather it on everything..It's getting a bit old. I have been thinking about trying to

make bullet proof coffee which a lot of people seem to like although it seems a bit gross to me!

I want to maintain ketosis and am not sure what macro ratios i should shoot for. Thank you in advance for all your support and help!


  • To start, not all of these options I'm about to list stress 'healthy fats'. Basically, fats are more a concern for your cholesterol level and contribute to plaque on your arteries if you aren't watching your carbs and continue consuming highly processed foods with nasty chemical additives. Fatty meats really aren't a killer. It's just what you eat alongside it and how your body reacts to the combination. I don't think of fat from an animal as bad fat. I don't think that the hunter-gatherers were obese and unhealthy.


    For a keto-diet that isn't too concerned with the restrictions placed on paleo, butter is just delicious, and aged cheeses are usually a way to quickly up your fat-intake. I know dairy is a touchy subject for those following a paleo diet, so if this doesn't work for you, you have other options. And if you don't like olive oil, I think olives can be fairly nice on the palate when snacking or with salads or in stir fry.

    You can choose fatty red meats. When I eat ribeye, my fat grams are much higher than my grams of protein; just pay close attention to your calories when you do this. You can also get pretty high fat from beef stew (meat, not actual stew), and personally, I like to curry it and add some veggies (cauliflower and broccoli).

    Most steak, other than sirloin, you'll have higher fat than you will protein typically. And the great thing is: the fattier the meat, usually the lower the price per pound; look for nice marbling. People want lean meat (because we are taught fat is the devil), so you definitely end up paying for the leaner cuts. I eat two slices of bacon in the morning, and it has more fat grams than it has protein. You may also want to look into other fatty pork products and dark meat fowl (keep the skin), particularly duck.

    Now, I'm going to skip forward to another grey area. I sometimes eat canned or jarred sardines/salmon in olive oil. I prefer the jarred, because it tends to also be seasoned and taste great on a salad, no dressing required. Plus, it's healthy and super-filling. If you do eat salad and are okay with dairy, you can try any kind of dressing with blue cheese, or make your own vinaigrette with crumbled blue cheese.

    Eggs are high in fat, and the protein is only slightly higher. I eat eggs and bacon as a breakfast staple, sometimes adding kale/spinach/mushrooms/jalapenos/cheese, just depending on whether I want to keep it simple and what I have planned to eat later that day. Always plan at least a day in advance to make sure you aren't eating spontaneously or digging through your fridge trying to decide when hungry and frantically calculating without expectations for the rest of the day. Repeat: Always plan in advance.

    And the whopper: hamburger patties. You can opt for pre-made (processed) ones--there are some great gourmet selections at the supermarket--but if you are strict with your paleo diet, select your own meat. It's the dirtier of the fresh meats you can buy, but if you are okay with dairy, add some cheese into it and maybe some peppers and mushrooms and spices, just to give it flavor, and then stick it on the skillet. I rarely eat hamburger patties, because I find the fat content is so high that it's difficult for me to balance my ratio for the day when I do consume them whilst attempting to keep within my calorie-restriction, so be careful with this one.

    A lot of your fat fine-tuning in a low-carb diet comes in the form of oils, fatty-fish, dairy (butter/cheese) and red meat. For another fruit option, if olives aren't your thing, you can also choose avocado; make it into a spread so that you are getting the benefits without upping your carb intake too much. I have avocado spread once or twice a week currently.

    Hope this helps!

    P.S. How about some summer sausage? <nudge>
  • Oh, and for reference, my macronutrients are:
    58% fat, 33% protein, 9% carbs, but I'm also on calorie restriction. So, you'll want to adjust based on your carb percentage. If you haven't seen this calculator yet, you may want to give it a look, just for an idea:

    Basically, think about your caloric intake, calculate your carb limits, come up with a percentage for that. Then, work on figuring out your protein intake. You need a certain amount of proteins to maintain your muscles during a LCHF weight-loss diet. This can get a bit tricky. I'm actually under the amount that I need, because of my caloric intake, but I'm focused on optimal weight-loss right now and will readjust when I need to maintain or gain some muscle. It's recommended that you consume at least one gram for every pound you weigh, and depending on your activity-level, this can increase up to 1.5x your weight in pounds.

    Last of all, after you have your carb and protein calculations, you are just left with fat. And each fat gram is multiplied by 9 to total the calories from fat, which is over double the amount of calories you get from each gram of protein or carbohydrate. Think of fat as what remains after you've calculated everything else. If your body needs more fat, while it's a fat-burning machine in ketogenesis, it will take that fat directly from your cells, which is contributing to weight-loss. Your body works more efficiently and effectively when burning fat for energy than when burning carbohydrates for energy, just keep your carbs low and your protein 'moderate' (but for most people on a weight-loss diet, they probably aren't eating *enough* protein, and they will lose muscle in the process, but that's to be expected).
  • Getting tired of me yet?
    To make things a bit easier for you if you are having trouble figuring out macronutrients, I'll give you an example.

    You want to stay in ketogensis. My goal is to stay under 30g of carbs per day, and people can be in ketogenesis at this level, but the generic response is that you want to be 25g or under.

    So, let's say you are on a 1200 calories diet, which is standard.

    25g carbs x 4 = 100 calories

    Now you have 1100 calories to divide between proteins and fats.

    You weight 165 and decide to have 1g for every pound you weigh.

    165g protein x 4 = 660 calories

    Now you have 440 calories to devote to fat.

    440 / 9 ~= 48.8g fat

    To get the percentages:

    100 calories / 1200 total daily calories = 8.33%

    660 calories / 1200 total daily calories = 55.00%

    440 calories / 1200 total daily calories = 36.66%

    I customized my macronutrients to fit my goals, but the above is a standard way to calculate the numbers for yourself. (Note: I'd personally go lower with protein, maybe somewhere around 85g-100g / day, and make up the difference with fat to optimize ketogensis.)

    And here's a quote from an article I read:

    "Fat, especially saturated fat, is the cleanest energy source available to us. Unlike glucose and proteins, the metabolism of saturated fat doesn’t create any toxic byproducts that need to be eliminated."
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I target 70-75% of calories from fat. Once you get over the "fat is bad" conditioning that most of us have, it's a fun challenge to see how much fat you can have.

    Butter, sour cream, heavy cream, cream cheese... For cheeses, softer cheese tends to be higher fat; harder cheeses tend to have higher protein. Add butter to veggies, top foods with sour cream, whip up some heavy cream and eat it straight. It's all good!

    Nuts are great, with macadamia the highest, but pecans are up there as well. Almonds are next in line. If you want to get crazy, sautée some of those pecans in some butter. :-)

    Avocado is wonderful, as is guacamole. I like to keep some of those premade guacamole packages around.

    A good article -
    I think my favorite part of that article is when he recommends higher fat meat - look for 70% ground beef. Then cook it in butter. And add cheese. And sour cream. (Seriously - gotta love being on this "diet"!)

    One of my best investments was Dana Carpender's Fat Fast Cookbook. I've never done a Fat Fast, but I regularly make a number of recipes from this cookbook. in general though, look for recipes that are loaded with fat and add them in to your routine.

    Ham and Cheese Cups - 82% fat - FF Cookbook
    Broccoli Cheese Soup - 76% fat -
    Bulletproof Coffee - 95% fat -
    Coconut custard - 89% fat -
    Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake - 80% fat -

    If you are struggling with your macro targets, the Keto Calculator is a fantastic tool to help -

    I stick with 20 - 30 g carbs, the minimum protein recommendation that the calculator gives, and the rest is fat. For me this ends up being 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, 5% carbs. My calorie target is 1550 calories per day.

    Good luck!
  • lhefla
    lhefla Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the great information! i played around with the keto calculator and my macro percentages came out very similar to yours. I have been following a 1200 cal limit. Actually i have been pretty close to the recommended percentages already so i am feeling pretty good about things. I really like your advice to plan ahead. It sounds so obvious but i don't do it! As of right now i have
    313 cals left for the day and it's only 1;30 pm. OOPS should have planned ahead!!
    Well i better get back to packing for our trip. Keep in touch and thanks for everything!
  • Chris_B62
    Chris_B62 Posts: 63 Member
    I have started experimenting with specialty cheeses which are a super source of good fats. I have been introduced to some unique flavors doing this that I have never ever tried. The little bitty "babybell" cheeses are about 70 cal each and full of fat. Cream Cheese is my "go to" cheese though. Green Olives are 100% fat and are TASTY!!! I also put them on salads along with black olives. I use 2 tbsp. of full fat dressing and add 1 tbsp. of mayo to my salads. Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Macadamia Nuts. Things that I didn't eat a lot of before but are now yummy too. Very high in good fats. But be careful, a single ounce is going to set you back about 200 calories. Processed meats like pepperoni, salami, hot links, bratwurst, liverwurst, summer sausage. Check the nutrition labels on these and you will find the ones with low or no carbs. I started drinking a tbsp. of cream in my coffee. Eggs and Bacon for breakfast. Who gets tired of that. I buy the 18 carton eggs now and I've had 3 eggs and 3 strips of bacon every morning non stop for over two months now. 73/27 Ground beef; very juicy and tasty. Throw a tbsp. of mayo on top or some cream cheese. mmmm. Vienna Sausages for an afternoon snack. Rib-eye, Prime Rib, and Filet are the fattiest cuts of beef. Peanut Butter (watch your carbs), cream cheese and a little splenda make a marvelous desert and will satisfy your sweet tooth. Avocados: OMG I can now eat avocados 3 or 4 times a week now instead of maybe 1 or 2 a month. I do a lot of “browsing” at the grocery store now and am always discovering new sources of fat. :happy:
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Something you need to be cognizant of is to not have a meal or snack without fat being a major contributor to the total calorie count. For example, I limit my carbs to 25 g per day, however I would never just pick up a few pieces of apple (up to 25 g carb max worth), and eat only that. That's a recipe for disaster in a low carb diet, where whether you are in keto or trying to control blood sugar spikes, your body will get a jolt of sugar/carb. To remedy that, I would have almond butter, or normal butter, or coconut butter, with the apple. Another example is the famous chicken breast salad. Seems like everybody on a low carb or keto diet has chicken breast with salad. This is another potential recipe for disaster. Chicken breast, with no skin, and a few leaves of lettuce, and a trickle of salad dressing, can potentially yield calories from 80% protein, and the remaining 20% from fat and carbs. Not good! Eat chicken with the skin, add avocado, add full fat cheese cubes, add bacon, add nuts,....try not to eat a meal or snack with less than 50% of the calories coming from fat.

    Something else to look into is learn how to make those luxurious French sauces, like béarnaise or hollandaise. They are made with egg yolks and clarified butter, and really elevate the food in your plate (they are orgasmic :blushing: ). They are extremely fat rich and oh so yummy.

    In case you are wondering, I'm on a 1200 cal diet, about 10% carbs, 20% protein and 70% fat. My diary is open to friends, so if you are interested I'd be happy to share.

    Good luck.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I am trying to switch to keto from just regular low carb and finding it hard to figure the macros i need :( . I feel so dumb , can anyone share their diary so I can peak at some menus??
  • lhefla
    lhefla Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much for all this great information and encouragement. I will for sure have to check out some of these yummy sounding recipes you recommended.
  • One great whole food source of fat are avocados Roughly 100g of avocado (half) has 150 cal, 2 net carbs and 14g of fat. Delicious..
  • lhefla
    lhefla Posts: 7 Member
    Yes avocado is yummy!
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    i ate 5 tablespoons of coconut manna today. with a spoon. out of the jar. it is pure fat and so yummy!
  • georgiagreeneyes
    georgiagreeneyes Posts: 69 Member
    Bullet proof coffee! It's a great way to get in extra fat, and adds a delightful creamy texture to your coffee. You can use coconut oil or butter, both work well!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Don't be afraid of Bullet Proof Coffee!! Its delish!! Ipersonally don't put butter in mine, just 2 T of coconut oil & 2T of heavy whipping cream. It gives me a lot of fat to start my day. I also eat an avocado most days. I never have issue meeting my fat grams.

    The secret to the BPC is to blend it really well!! if you have a magic bullet or blender use that!
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Also, if you are like me and don't care for can also do the Bulletproof cocoa/chicken broth/tea etc. Don't limit it to just coffee if you prefer other things!!

    I personally love chicken broth with the coconut oil, butter, a little cream, a bit of chicken base added in for salt/potassium and a spoonful of my gelatin (dissolves fully in cold or hot and does not gel). It just tastes soooo good to me!!
  • underpsi01
    underpsi01 Posts: 14
    "PINTEREST " has many recipes to make "Fat Bombs" for keto,paleo & LCHF diets. Keep u in ketosis & their delish!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    mamma_nee wrote: »
    I am trying to switch to keto from just regular low carb and finding it hard to figure the macros i need :( . I feel so dumb , can anyone share their diary so I can peak at some menus??

    My diary is open. Happy menu hunting!
  • PowerSteph
    PowerSteph Posts: 2 Member
    I love iced coffee - I use instant coffee (1 spoonful), a splash of your choice of No-Sugar Flavored Creamer, and then 5-7tbs of Heavy Whipping Cream over ice. I drink it every day and love it! I actually prefer my own over Dunkin Donuts now.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Winter is coming ..try Bulletproof Cocoa!!! At night ( or anytime) I like to have a non caffeine hot drink with high fat… almond milk (unsweet) with real cocoa powder or melting 100% plain cocoa bar, add butter, and heat. Depending on calories left for my day (Oh yes..I need to limit calories to lose, it is not unlimited fats either)

    but satiety with a high fat diet means I can do very well on 1400 or so calories..nothing less.

    when I drifted up to 1800 calories and >160 gr fat I just don't lose at all. so LATER I can maintain, but to lose there has to be some deficit going on. for me. younger women with less 'diet history baggage' do better.

    I also bought a bunch of 'flavors"..little bottles..and add "Pralines & Cream, "Sugar Cookie" (my favorite for coffee) or Raspberry, or Lemon Merangue" to drinks or cream cheese/ricotta cheese for great added flavors.