Getting Start - First we need a PLAN

All right - I am just getting started today. I have worked from to do lists and plans to complete everything else in my life. Now, on this day I want to, once and for all, get my weight under control. I have 70 pounds to lose. I have five kids and I work 50+ hours per week. I recently was told my cholesterol level was too high and had to begin Crestor once a week. With my doctor's encouragement I can get off this medication with the addition of exercise and getting my weight under control.

So tell me - What have you found to be the most helpful as you work towards losing weight?


  • odylynn
    odylynn Posts: 20 Member
    I am a full-time working mom with 3 young boys (8,6,3). I have been riding the weight loss roller coaster for TOO LONG! I have been participating in triathlons since August 2011, just completing not competitive. 4 days after my last one this past summer I came down with meningitis and have gained weight to put me at my heaviest yet. I am tired of having to buy new clothes because I am out-growing (not in a good way) my current ones. I need to take my life back.

    I have not yet been down to my goal weight. I have gotten about half way. The biggest thing I can advise for success is PUT YOURSELF FIRST! Somehow, when I take the time for myself, I give myself the energy to do everything else I have to do for the day. At my best, I was working out every morning and every night. And my house was a lot cleaner than it is right now! I was also a lot happier, less mood swings.

    As far as fitness pal groups, the best one I was in had weekly challenges. It had a dietary/mental challenge and a physical challenge. The dietary/mental challenges were anything from logging everyday to cutting down on sugar intake. They physical challenge was anything from 20 minutes of day of movement to 1000 push-ups in a week. Just to give you some ideas.

    My current weight is 169.4. I am only 5'2" so I would like to get down between 120 and 125.
  • Thanks for commenting. My children are 15, 11, 6, 4 and 2. Our 2 year old was a huge surprise. I had lost quite a bit of weight and had an abdominoplasty in March of 2010. Five months later we found out my husband's vasectomy had reversed. We were surprised with number FIVE. When I was most healthy and fit I worked out every morning 30-60 minutes six days a week, like you my house was cleaner and I was spot on with my work and everything else. Each child resulted in a few extra pounds that never could quite go away. I am now currently at my heaviest at 215 pounds on my 5' 6" frame. Earlier this year I decided to do a juice fast during Lent. I was very successful and lost 30 pounds bringing me down to 180 at that time. Of course after I began eating again I didn't watch it at all and I didn't add any exercise and ballooned up to 220. Last week I underwent a hysterectomy. I am trying to follow doctor's orders and take it easy. A first for me. I decided now is as good a time as ever to get started. I like to plan and organize and that is where i am starting. Due to the surgery I cannot start intense exercising, but I can start working on my diet. That is my step one.

    I love your idea of the weekly challenges. If you are up for it I am game for setting up some week long challenges. I always do better with competition.