Day 14.

mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
Hey clean eaters! Hope you had a wonderful weekend and stayed in the moderation zoom.

How did you all do yo day?


  • iceangel1992
    Hey, I am sad to say that do to my grandfather being in the hospital I have not been eating so clean. I am a worry eater and so I feel back to eating not so clean foods, but not as many as I use to eat, and thanks to my work out routine I have kept those nasty five pounds of. But I will defiantly be eating clean again this week because my grandfather is out of the hospital and doing much better. I will hopefully get back to regular posts too.

    B- Honey nut cheerios
    L-Ramon noodle
    D- Chili
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Hanging it there but feeling tired and tempted. My family members are slowly failing off the wagon one by one but I'm still aiming for day 21 and hoping for some change on the scale when I weigh then!
  • mstjmack26
    mstjmack26 Posts: 121 Member
    Just pick yourself back up and move forward. Today is a new day.
  • garzadrive
    garzadrive Posts: 94 Member
    Was at a holiday party. Drank one glass of wine that made me light headed, and eating one piece of the hostess's special homemade banana bread seemed like a good idea.

    But I didn't eat any of the sugary gooey, candy stuff! Yay!!!!!

    Today, a clean day. No wine, but LOTS of water added to my clean eating to flush out toxins. And will do some yoga/tai chi to be kind to my wonderful body that's been feeling kind of stressed lately.

    Thank you for this great group!