Introducing myself


I joined MFP 6 months ago and did quite well losing a couple of kgs and did a 10.5km run. Well that was 5 weeks ago and I have been rewarding myself ever since with no exercise and regular treats with no recording on MFP.

I decided joining some groups and getting back to calorie counting is best way to keep accountable to myself.

Also with Christmas and treats galore loaming want to be as motivated as possible before mayhem starts so am not so tempted, and am proud of myself at the end of the holidays rather than disappointed. It worked last time so I figure if I just go back to the same formula odds are it will work again.

Kim from Aotearoa


  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    I'll introduce myself! I'm a married Jewish mother of many children, including foster children, living in Israel. There can be as many as 9 kids in my home all at once, and that does not include friends. lol Ages range from newborns to my oldest who is 20.

    I'm a very motivated mom regarding diet and exercise. And right now, that's all I've got to share, as I'm heading for bed! Good night and I hope this group gets going and turns out to be fun and friendly!
  • Hi, I am 23 and mother of 2, ages 2 and 1. I have always been a little heavier and always wanted to change. One thing always lead to another and my excuse was that I am too busy. I joined MFP to keep motivated and keep track of my goals and accomplishments. So far off to a good start, but I can only hope to keep this momentum going.
  • yes I agree being a mom is hard to squeeze in time for yourself let alone having momentive to do so
  • Hello All! My name is Jessi and I am 28 years old. I am new to MFP and am excited for the support! My husband and I just had our first baby girl in June, and I am desperately trying to lose 72 more pounds and get back to feeling like myself. I have been on a weight roller-coaster since middle school, and enough is enough! I have been working out and trying to diet for 4 months and have only lost 11 lbs! I started seeing a trainer at my gym and am looking for support in this weight loss craziness!

    Feel free to add me...the more support the merrier!
  • Jennhasfaith
    Jennhasfaith Posts: 187 Member
    Hi, my name is Jennifer and wanting to get back on track. I've been on mfp prior to getting pregnant. Mfp helped me to get ready for a healthy pregnancy. I have put updates in my profile as it was a long journey to get pregnant and now having my son who is 6.5 months old now.
    I would love some support , to share this journey and make a few friends along the way!