I just couldn't wait

I (re)started this Saturday... I was getting out of control with my unhealthy eating... I was thinking I would just have fun for the rest of the year and pig out as I wished... and I sure did!... well, last week I went to bed after a huge Mexican dinner (accompanied by drinks of course), and my head was pounding, my gut was bloated, I felt disgusted... I could almost feel grease flowing through my veins... ugh... it was Friday the 13th... 2013. I thought I might have a stroke or something (I am on Lipitor and blood pressure meds, and I am only 43!). I have a wonderful family and I want to grow old for my kids! I said "enough".

The next morning I weighed 275... my all-time record. Two. Freaking. Seventy. Freaking. Five. :-o I know some of it is water weight, etc, but man, those numbers were staring me in the face...well, actually, I had to get my belly out of the way to see them ;).

I look forward to starting the journey in 2014 with all of you. I just literally couldn't wait.



  • amanda_richelle
    amanda_richelle Posts: 23 Member
    Good for you! Everybody always waits for a certain day (The beginning of the year, month, week) and few people think "Why not right now?" when right now is the best time because whenever that someday rolls around they'll be a reason not start.
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    So proud of you!!! You certainly have the right attitude.