Lets get to know each other...

K.... My name is Bobbi.... (don't know if you are suppose to give out name on here or not but oh well)...

I'm a Wife, Mother, I work full time, and I'm soon to be a grandma... I'm not old enough to be a grandma but don't have a say in it one way or the other... Baby will come if I like the grandma thing or not... I'm excited the baby is coming I'm not excited about the name I get when the baby comes... well that's my complaint for tonight... Lets move on

Me and my husband have 8 children they start at 22 and go to 11...

I love to do craft stuff... Crotchet, sew, (not very good at the sewing part thou) quilting, I love the outdoors as long as its not cold then I'm good... watch movies, or just hang out with my husband and children....

But any way
I'm 38 years old. I'm 5'0", I weight in at 147 now,,, My goal is to get down to 105-110 my husband doesn't want me to get down past 120-125 so most likely meet him in the middle and stop at 115... I didn't gain my weight tell I hit my 30's and as soon as I did that I just didn't stop... I'm tried of being this way and I want to change...


  • patsyacs
    patsyacs Posts: 1,322 Member
    My name is Patsy. I am 61 and retired. have 2 grown kids - 41 and 42 - and 2 grandkids - 10 and 12. I felt the same way when my first grandchild was born - not old enough or ready. but you'll be surprised at how fast that feeling changes when they get here. You can give them another name for you - mamaw or GG. Like you, I didn't gain weight until I got older - 40+ and gained 20 lbs fast then 20 more at a slower pace. I would like to lose most of that but have been maintaining around 175 for a few years. I tried eating more - 1500 cals - and lost 5 lbs but find it very hard to eat that much every day. I just don't get hungry and it doesn't take much to fill me up.

    I am not athletic as I feel off balance most of the time when I exercise. I did try the stretches yesterday and will try the exercises you post every day to see if that helps. thanks for the list.
  • calcatb
    calcatb Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Cat and I'm 46 years old. I was a Juvenile Diabetic all my life until I had a transplant of a new pancreas. I do have diabetic neuropathy and its getting really really bad and very painful. I'm pretty low on ability to exercise a lot but I'm motivated to work out and be healthy and fit. I eat mostly organic foods, what they are now calling a paleo diet, but I eat whole foods. I don't eat drive through or other stuff like that. I have one grown daughter and two grandchildren now. I've lost a decent amount of weight I think I'm down like 46 pounds but I'm 154 now and I think 125 would be good for me. I'm 5'1 so my weight could be pretty low but the DR's do want it down but not down too far. I started at 200 so I was pretty rotund shall we say! But I'm wearing between a 6 and an 8 now so I'm looking sleeker. I need to take a new updated pic!

    I'm not working right now. I was laid off from my last job they closed the office here in San Diego. So I get the chance to do my walks on the beach and its very nice weather here. But we do have winter and right now its chilly but I know not like some folks across the country who get house bound due to the snow and cold...

    My dr's want me to go ahead and go on disability - I'm not sure on how that will go, but right now that's what I'm looking at. Being home is strange. Its easy to get out of the hamster wheel life style and slow down some. I've never been off work before since I started working.

    I fish and I crochet a lot. I'm making a blanket for a bed and I'm making hats on a loom. I read quite a bit. I like this 45 day program and I work through what I can and I'll keep trying to add longer times and more intensity as I go. I also have an elliptical here at my home so that's been a very nice work out piece to have. I really like it and its is very low intensity on my legs etc. I have one leg replaced with equipment. I still have bone in there and skin so its not like I lost my leg but its got a lot of equipment in it due to a break. Then I broke my left leg same type of break likely from the combination of juvenile diabetes and the immunosuppression drugs I am on. So that tends to slow me down a bit. But I'm a very happy go lucky person, count my blessings and make the very most of what I have!
  • vagabondgoddess
    vagabondgoddess Posts: 38 Member
    Hello, my name is Amanda. I'm 22. My fitness level is okay but I need to lose 40 lbs. I have never been able to do a real push up. So I figure might as well start at the basics. I love to be outdoors. Whether its hiking, swimming, or just observing. Actually I especially love to swim... too bad it's too cold most of the year. Anyway I look forward to starting. I'm also new. I've only been on here for three days. :)