Important stuff will go here one day.
I am working day 14 today. I took a day off twice since starting this plan. Just couldn't work up to do the jumping jacks and push ups. It feels good when I can do the exercises on the plan. Don't think I've lost any weight but my jeans feel looser at the waist. Yay!!! :happy:
Description of Shoulder Workout
Do the follow sequence of exercises non-stop for ten reps each: LATERAL RAISES- 10 (Palms Down) CROSS OVERS- 10 (Palms Facing Away From You) LATERAL RAISES A safe and effective shoulder exercise with light weights or NO weights as well. Over 5 pounds dumbbells is not recommended for this exercise. Keep your knees slightly…
45 day exercise log (For 1 to 25 day)
K I've been thinking... That there are going to be days that I'm not able to get online.. Kids, Work, I'm sick, or I just want to have a lazy day... But then that leaves all of you with out a post and don't know what kind of exercise to do that day... But then plus is someone joins the group and we are like 15 days into it…
Lets get to know each other...
K.... My name is Bobbi.... (don't know if you are suppose to give out name on here or not but oh well)... I'm a Wife, Mother, I work full time, and I'm soon to be a grandma... I'm not old enough to be a grandma but don't have a say in it one way or the other... Baby will come if I like the grandma thing or not... I'm…
Description of Push-ups and Crunches
Descriptions of the exercises REGULAR AND KNEE PUSH-UPS Lie on the ground with your hands placed flat next to your chest. Your hands should be about shoulder width apart. Push yourself up by straightening your arms and keeping your back stiff. This exercise will build and firm your shoulders, arms and chest.. USE YOUR…
your daily exercise is... Day 2.... Repeat 5 times Push ups10 Crunches 10 Shoulder work out Full body Stretch
Full Body Stretch
will do this every day after you exercise.... Full Body Stretch Hold these stretches or do these movements for a least 15-20 sec each Arm/ Shoulder Circles- Rotate your shoulder slowly in big circles forward and reverse for 15 seconds each direction and as if you were swimming the backstroke and front crawl stroke. Chest/…
Hi everyone.... Hope you had a wonderful day and that did your 15 min workout today.... If you are setting back telling your self that you need a better work at then the 15 min work out... you will we are starting out simple and working are self's up the hard stuff... It works if you stick to it... I all ways start and…
walk/ run/ bike for 15 mins full body stretch