Logging on Christmas

Are you guys going to log everything you eat during Christmas? Or have a cheat day(s) of just stay keto but not logging. I'm also interested in what you are going to eat!

I'm thinking I'll estimate what I ate and log that. I'm planning on eating all keto proof foods, but I'll never know what's going to be available at family visits, but I'm not eating big meals there, only snacks. So I could bring some myself or hope that they have some sausage & cheese.

I'm not sure what I'll eat for breakfast/lunch yet, but I'm thinking about; pancakes with raspberries and whipped cream, frittata, bulletproof coffee, salad with different things.

On the first day we're going to 'gourmet' for dinner. I have no idea what the english word is for that. But there will be a hot plate on the table and everybody has there own pans and will make there own food. So I'll be eating a lot of meat, veggies and cheese probably :)http://static.nl.groupon-content.net/31/77/1355248337731.jpg

For the second christmas day (yeah we have two) we'll be eating rib-eye with herb butter and asparagus.

And if still hungry, I'll make brownies for dessert :)


  • souzan651
    souzan651 Posts: 42 Member
    I am going to be logging everything, including Christmas day. I don't really want to deal with the consequences of not sticking to my plan. But I will still be enjoying myself, how can you not on a "keto" plan.
    So Best Christmas wishes and good look to all no matter how you handle the festivities.:happy:
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    To me it feels to me a bit like fooling yourself. Of course you don't have to keep on track for the all of us, but at least for yourself. I am planning to stick to the keto diet, for some reason I always feel extra motivated around the holidays to stick to my meal plans.
  • Roze_Lintje
    Roze_Lintje Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not sure if I misinterpret what you are saying, but in what way am I fooling myself?
  • Kimmb0865
    Kimmb0865 Posts: 7 Member
    I am the same as the rest I log everything everyday...this is just another day for me to stay true to myself and my health...
  • danamcox
    danamcox Posts: 14 Member
    I will log . . . AND I will have a few Christmas cookies!
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    I am personally taking a logging break for the holidays. I've stayed on track and low carb because it's my lifestyle. I'm not fooling myself! I think that MFP is a great tool for gaining insight into eating habits and having that accountability, BUT you can use the knowledge you acquire from this to make the right choices with or without the logging.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm going to log what I eat but I'm also going to eat what I want and if that includes carb laiden treats, so be it. Back on track the days that follow, but no cheating on my food log. I will own it!
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I won't be logging because it would be a pain -- none of the food I'll be eating is part of my usual diet so I'd have to look it all up and then it would clutter up my food lists and make logging my usual diet less convenient. I eat whatever during the holidays without giving carbs or calories a thought -- I just enjoy all of my old favorites all the more since they're a rare treat now. :smile:
  • Roze_Lintje
    Roze_Lintje Posts: 57 Member
    I am personally taking a logging break for the holidays. I've stayed on track and low carb because it's my lifestyle. I'm not fooling myself! I think that MFP is a great tool for gaining insight into eating habits and having that accountability, BUT you can use the knowledge you acquire from this to make the right choices with or without the logging.

    I totally agree with you. I think I've gained enough knowledge to handle two days without logging! I definitely know what to eat and what not. But on the other hand, I have a hard time letting the logging go, I'm such a control freak. So I'm trying to find a balance by estimating :)
  • hernamewasdana
    I'm going to attempt moderation. I will avoid the obvious no-nos like bread and potatoes. Even though I love them, I don't think it will be "worth it". I will indulge in a very small serving of desert, probably a drink or two, and some other bites of moderate carb foods that I wouldn't normally eat.

    We will have a turkey but everything else will likely be vegetarian (for my sister) and somewhat low fat, as my parents eat a pretty typical white, middle class, american diet. I didn't want my mother to have to wrap her head around my new life, PLUS have to re-imagine her traditional christmas dinner. When they ask about the starches I refuse, I'll simply tell them I'm cutting way back on carbs and leave it at that.

    I'm prepared to potentially be knocked out of keto, but I think one meal of semi-indulgence on very special occasions is just fine.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I'm not sure if I misinterpret what you are saying, but in what way am I fooling myself?

    Because you said "Or have a cheat day(s) of just stay keto but not logging" which I interpreted like cheating and not mentioning it, making the menu look nicer then it really was. But seeing your other reaction I guess I misunderstood. Sorry :flowerforyou:

    I bought myself a 11 pound turkey and do something with that, keto style. For me losing weight is already hard enough as it is, so going wrong wont do me any favors. Maybe I pop in quickly to fill in my food diary, but nothing more. Just for myself to stay in track of what I am eating.
  • Roze_Lintje
    Roze_Lintje Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not sure if I misinterpret what you are saying, but in what way am I fooling myself?

    Because you said "Or have a cheat day(s) of just stay keto but not logging" which I interpreted like cheating and not mentioning it, making the menu look nicer then it really was. But seeing your other reaction I guess I misunderstood. Sorry :flowerforyou:

    I bought myself a 11 pound turkey and do something with that, keto style. For me losing weight is already hard enough as it is, so going wrong wont do me any favors. Maybe I pop in quickly to fill in my food diary, but nothing more. Just for myself to stay in track of what I am eating.

    Aah! Used a Dutch word instead of English. 'Of' has to be 'or', also I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself in English and that ends up in weird sentences. But now everything is clear :D

    I'll be eating keto and I'm not planning on cheating at all, maybe just eating a bit more then usual. But I also understand if people will. I just don't feel the need anymore to cheat on cookies, desserts etc. with loads of carbs if I can make them keto. Only thing I got as a treat is zero carb caramel syrup. I don't like eating things that have all kinds of weird ingredients. But I hope a little bit of that can't hurt :)

    @hernamewasdan Isn't it possible to bring a fatty sauce or butter to add to the turkey or other dishes? In that way you could up your fats a little.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Ah yeah, it aint easy to speak more then one language I know. I am originally Dutch too and I mix Swedish, German, Dutch and English up all the time, gives sometimes quite hilarious results :D
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    I will be not logging but staying Keto friendly. . . I do this every weekend regardless.. it keeps me sane and the ability to stay very anal through the week. Ill continue to do this whilst I am loosing.

    Luckily, my parents supply a whole bunch of delicious meats such as lamb, turkey and ham.. and we all contribute sides and deserts... I will be bringing devilled eggs, a keto friendly ceaser salad, as well as a keto adapted tiramisu... YUM

    Ive found sugar free premixed tropical and vodkas so happy days.

    I have an 18 week goal that Im on track for.. whilst I wont care about calories,, I wont kick myself out of keto.. I dont mind one or two days of not logging .. realisiticly I wont have the option to weigh so i guess it wouldnt be that effective anyways.. aslong as I dont have a week or so set back.. meaning I wont hit my goal
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    I will stay low carb and will track but I am planning on going over in my calories. I'm gonna eat as many calories as I want and not restrict. I may also have a glass of wine or a White Russian.
  • delta229
    delta229 Posts: 29 Member
    I log everything! Everyday! It is my way of understanding my nutrition. Since I am a paramedic I log a lot of parameters including Blood Glucose Levels, Blood Pressure, Ketones, Body Fat, BMI, BW and dimensions. I'm using the data to optimize my diet and macros BUT, the main reason I log EVERYDAY is that the results keep me motivated!
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I log everything! Everyday! It is my way of understanding my nutrition. Since I am a paramedic I log a lot of parameters including Blood Glucose Levels, Blood Pressure, Ketones, Body Fat, BMI, BW and dimensions. I'm using the data to optimize my diet and macros BUT, the main reason I log EVERYDAY is that the results keep me motivated!

    WOWWW, I am planning to log everything as well, but not all these medical things. What is BW?