UK-- -- jogging question

00NL Posts: 171 Member
i will be coming to London ( bishop hatfield)

i have no idea of the weather there besides that it is extremely cold

i am not a treadmill person and jog outside

So is there snow there. then how do you guys jog outside ?? where do you jog.

i am from a hot country so have never faced these issues therefore no idea what i am talking about.

just one thing in my mind how can a person jog on the road or ground that has snow on it

please guide me

my issue is i have to come to this place and i want to continue to jog outisde


  • kemip
    kemip Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there - you can take a look on google to see what the weather might be like during your trip over but I am not sure if it will be snowing - more likely to be raining as windy. You will need to cover your legs and arms with warm clothing but not too warm sor baggy so you don't get drenched by rain and end up with wet heck clothing. I usually use running tights/leggings. Your trainers will have some grip in the bottom which will be fine for running right now but if it's icy on the road you may have to be careful not to slip and if it's really and then not go out at all.
  • JAHodgkinson_uk
    JAHodgkinson_uk Posts: 63 Member
    How long will you be there for? My top tip would be to google Parkrun and see if there is one local to where you will be. There are lots of them in London. It's a friendly informal running group at 9 am every Saturday. It's free, you just register and print out a bar code. You just turn up and run 5k at whatever pace, ranging from 18 minute finishers to plodders like me upwards of 35 minutes. Just introduce yourself to any of the volunteers and they will give you loads of local information.

    Clothing wise I'd say long tights, long sleeve top, gloves. You will warm up within 5 minutes of running.