Who follows the meal plan?

stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
So, honestly, I didn't even read the book very much, I'm young and in shape and flexible so I wasn't too worried about hurting myself, so I just wrote down the workouts and anything I didn't know how to do got pictures of those things and did the workouts. I never followed the meal plan, I started with I think 1400 calories and just whatever macro levels MFP sets, but then I adjusted to a 40/30/30 carbs, fat, protein, and eventually upped my calories to 1700, now I'm back down to 1500 for the holidays because I set it lower so when I eat over it's still okay.
Anywayssss, I have hypothyroid so finding my TDEE and BMR just hasn't really seemed to work. I follow the 40/30/30, but how many calories should I eat, I would like to be smaller, and more lean, but i'm not like techincally overweight so it's all cosmetic really. So....what should I do? I'm on my second time through the program, on stage 4, and kind of have just been at the same place (gotten stronger but not shown any real changes in my body in how it looks for a while) So how should I eat and how many calories

**I left the book at school so i don't have it to reference now**


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Isn't hypothyroid more of a carb thing? The macros are really just a guide, everyone is different when it comes to macros. I personally do 50/25/25 on non-lifting days and 45/25/30 on lifting days, but I am training for a half marathon alongside this so I need the extra carbs. But if you have insulin resistance, that could account for the weight issues. And from your profile you only have a few more lbs to lose, so the weight will come off slow anyway.

    If you aren't over weight but are looking to shift, you can just make the -% off TDEE less. To say around 10% or so. You really just have to play with the numbers to see what works for you.

    Myself, I do TDEE-%, and I don't go up and down on training/non-training days. I just eat to a set number and that is it....I like making it as easy as possible to do this lol.

    You may just have to weight too. Might be in a plataeu and stuff. Since you are on your second time through, have you tried changing up the cardio a bit? I have heard a mix can help kick it....but that is just a rumor I have heard lol. Don't know the truth in it lol.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    I would probably try a 5%cut from your TDEE, reassess in 3 weeks, adjust calories up or down as needed.