JMBR Starting 28th december

Hi all

I am planning to start JMBR after Christmas and go into the new year with JM kicking my butt!! Is anyone starting around the same time as me?

Merry Christmas



  • cameliamam
    Hey Caz !

    I'm in!!

    I should have my JMBR package in the mail tomorrow...excited ;) I intend to start right away!! I've done pretty much all of her other dvd workouts and I cant wait to get started !! I'm ready to get rid of my last 15 pounds (already 60 down)!

    Merry Christmas!

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I think I will try to join you two. I'm doing trainer sessions twice a week at the gym so not sure if I can do both (is it a bad idea?) but really looking forward to getting in a zone soon. :) let's do it !
  • cameliamam
    Hey :)

    I'd say there is nothing wrong with doing both! I intend to add so extra cardio (HIIT for the Most part) in which case ill just increase my calories intake just so i dont starve my body!
    i read somewhere that JM said its fine to add cardio but not to much Weight training though...
    i start today!
    let me know how it goes for you and friend request me if you want to :)
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am going to start my second round on January 5th. I thought about starting this Sunday but with New Year's I do not want to already possibly miss a day. I just finished the week before Thanksgiving and did not miss a day in 13 weeks. I am hoping I can do the same this time around.
  • cameliamam
    Are you guys following the meal plan?

    I had a look at the kickstart meal plan...kinda scary but I want to give it a try. I've been in a plateau for so long i think i need something that will shock my body and that may just be it :)

    I'll follow her 90 day meal plan but will increase the calories (1400 or so) because I don't think 1200 calories is enough!
  • tfire77
    tfire77 Posts: 29 Member
    Am on week 1 day 5. My husband is doing it with me (not the cardio days though) Which is nice since I need support and someone to kick my butt when I don't want to press play.

    LessthenKris what kind of results did you see. I am assuming they must of been pretty good since you are doing a second round.
  • tfire77
    tfire77 Posts: 29 Member
    LessthenKriss just scrolled down and saw your results post. Awesome. You look fabulous and are great motivation.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    LessthenKriss just scrolled down and saw your results post. Awesome. You look fabulous and are great motivation.

    Thanks! I need to get back to it. I have not done much since with vacation and the holidays. I am going to start running and logging again this week to ease into everything again. I tried to talk my husband into doing it with me but we would have to do it at night after the kids are in bed so it is a harder sell. It is awesome to have a buddy though. My husband and I run together so that usually replaces my cardio days.

    I did not follow her meal plan or do the kick start the first time around. MFP puts me at 1200 and I eat back my workout calories so usually I get between 1450 and 1500 on a BR workout day.
  • 240sxDiva
    240sxDiva Posts: 1 Member
    I keep starting, then getting distracted, then starting again. I haven't made it past disc 2. I'm planning on starting tomorrow morning. I'm going with a goal of 20 pounds to lose, 1200 calories a day and I started running every other day. I take a few supplements and drink a protein shake every day for lunch with a banana to help keep me under my calorie intake. I drink a lot of water and have a coffee every couple of days. I stopped drinking soda all together. This is all! Super excited to kick these pounds in the butt. Good Luck to you all!