Rollcall for current and active Aussie MFPers



  • tammyc226
    tammyc226 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi fellow Aussies,

    I'm Tammy, 36 from Brisbane. I joined mfp in January 2012 and that year I lost 25kg. During 2013 had up and down results which I blamed on a combination of my excessive international work travel and medical issues (bulging discs in spine and neck) but in reality just wasn't disciplined enough. upshot though is that I managed to keep the 25kg off and not out it back on. I have another 30kg to lose and am back on mfp, my immediate goal is to lose 10kg by May, when I'm going on a month long holiday to Europe for my husband's 40th.

    feel free to add me
  • Im here (again).
    I have been quite lazy and have stacked on the kilo's! Ideally I would like to lose 20kg but im happy with just becomming fitter! Im in WA but would like australian friends with similar stats/goals.

    Female, 30 yrs old, 176cm currently 90 kg (worst ever was 115kgs)
  • rjade84
    rjade84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone! I've been on MFP for a few years actually on different accts that I've lost lol, but getting back into logging - fitness wise at least - this year. Trying to get fitter and tone up as I've enrolled in getting my Cert III and IV in Fitness starting on Feb 3. I also have a trip to LA and Vegas in the works for July so I'd love to be the fittest I can be by then.

    I live in Sydney and I hit my thirties in July also. 153 cm.

    *drop in body fat %
    *drop in dress size
    *be able to do a pull up, t2b, crow pose
    *complete another enticer triathlon with better times (haven't done one since 2012)
  • Hello folks. I've been around for a few years but pretty much lived a hermit's life, just me and my app. Now I'm off the app and on the website and thought it was time I said hello.

    Having just joined the group, I'm both current and active! Nice to meet you all. :smiles:
  • xbellezx
    xbellezx Posts: 32 Member
    Hey everyone! I am Belle I am 27 from NSW. I have had the MFP app forever but have only just really started taking it seriously just over a week ago. I lost 2kg in my first week and I am hoping to lose another 30 - 35kg. If anyone is interested in being friends add me. It's nice to meet you all.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member

    Just joined. Cj up in Townsville. I'm here just to keep motivated and focused on getting fit.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    i'm here. live in brisbane. main exercise in summer is swimming. also walking and gym. about 10 kg to lose. i log on regularly
  • eldazzio
    eldazzio Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm in Perth, I joined up a while back but only started logging properly lately. I log every day and my diary is open to friends. I've lost about 15kgs so far and have about another 40ish to shift... Add me if you want!
  • pixiesgreene
    pixiesgreene Posts: 88 Member
    I'm here! 28 years old, and I'm from Melbourne. I have bursts of logging in regularly, interspersed with weeks where I go back to old habits. Goal for 2014 is to transition to more of the former and much less of the latter!
  • I am back, I got to my ideal weight ( 49kg ) but yes I gained. I am back up to 55kg and I really feel it. My clothes are at the point of no return so here I go again. Never thought I would stuff up after losing so much but I decided chocolate was worth it, seems it isn't :embarassed:
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hey all.

    In true laconic Aussie style I'm here when I'm here. I come back for some after holiday tweaking and when I think I am getting off track so those 2 extra kilos don't turn into 5 then 10.


    EDIT: if you are going to spout low carb, paleo, high protein, fasting, VLCD, weight lifting, protein powder, diet shakes, cauliflower pizza, noodles that taste like cardboard related stuff to me then please don't add me. No offense intended just that these things are not in my interest zone.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member


    EDIT: if you are going to spout low carb, paleo, high protein, fasting, VLCD, weight lifting, protein powder, diet shakes, cauliflower pizza, noodles that taste like cardboard related stuff to me then please don't add me. No offense intended just that these things are not in my interest zone.

    Haaaa! Amen, sister!

  • Hi there,
    I'm American but we live in Canberra and we love Australia so much that we're applying for residency. Can I hang out with you guys? My two year old said "Straya" the other day :)

    I'm 36, I'm 155cm and I weigh 82kg, looking to lose about 22kg. Just started doing Insanity and it has been rumoured that I may get a fitbit flex for valentines :)
  • Fridge67
    Fridge67 Posts: 23 Member
    46yo guy living in Western Sydney, have had all good intentions in the past but have never followed through, this year is different I have 57 kgs to lose. Anybody feel free to add me especially people in the Glenmore Park area, looking for walking workout friends sharing similar goals
  • skp3
    skp3 Posts: 7 Member

    I've just started a twelve week challenge and lost my first kilo. Thirty six to go!

    Logging daily and on a mission... twelve kilos in twelve weeks.

    Based in Sydney, 30yrs old, 111kgs

    - S
  • Present!

    I've just started a twelve week challenge and lost my first kilo. Thirty six to go!

    Logging daily and on a mission... twelve kilos in twelve weeks.

    Based in Sydney, 30yrs old, 111kgs

    - S

    12kg in 12 weeks is definitely achievable...
    I lost 13kg in 2 months... rapid yes, but there were "side effects" for that loss.
    I was doing a lot of work on the cross trainer and as a result, put my hip and pelvis out of alignment, also causing issues with my back. I had basically gone from doing very little exercise, to exercising 5-6 days a week, on average for an hour per session.

    It took about 3-4 weeks for things to return to some normality.

    In the 3 or 4 months following, I only lost another 5kg, but have pretty much relaxed the exercising to a degree, but have started mixing the sessions up a lot more, including running (which i have previously hated with a passion) and PT sessions. Yes my weight loss has plateaued out, but i still feel my body is transforming, turning what was once fat, hopefully into muscle.

    I still have some way to go, aiming to lose another 5-10kg, but now have no set timeframe to reach this goal.

    Just wanted to share this with you. Rapid weight loss is great for the ego, but make sure you listen to your body first and foremost...

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm back after a BIG break from MFP - and from tracking and exercising and running and eating well.
    No surprise that I have plenty of kg to lose again!

    However, I know that if I eat good food (ie cut the crap!) with a small calorie deficit, and exercise regularly, I will lose weight.

    Four weeks in and I'm down 2kg. My current goal is to lose 6kg in 6 months, but I'll reevaluate as I go.
    I certainly have more than that to get to a healthy weight, but small goals are more likely to work for me.

    I hope you're all enjoying the summer and not feeling like a pile of melted calories (or is that just me?)
  • Fionab66
    Fionab66 Posts: 5 Member
    I am back, did well on here 18 months ago but life got ridiculous and I let it all slip. Back to do it all again because I know I can do it!, Have a bit to lose but I need to lose 1 kg before I can lose 30 kg. I am in Ballarat, Victoria, age 47' nearly 6ft tall and going into my fourth and last year of my Degree in History / Philosophy. All that essay writing and studying time makes it hard to avoid snacking, but just need to choose the correct things to snack on. Happy to befriend other Aussies for mutual support. My 29 year old son is a fitness nut and has been living in Europe since April and shall return in August, really want to lose kg's before his return.
    Good luck to you all !!!!!!
  • ShonzG
    ShonzG Posts: 73 Member
    I'm back on MFP!! I lost a heap of weight previously on MFP, until I broke my foot and gave up..... 2014 is the time to restart and get back to my pre broken foot weight, plus a bit more!!
  • robabob3
    robabob3 Posts: 79 Member
    I started last year around this time and have lost 25kg to date, I learned so much through trial and error in my first year of weight loss and now in this second year I feel so much more confident in knowing what works for me and am excited to lose another 20+ kg this year.

    Goodluck on hitting your goals this year everyone.