New Member

amla13 Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone. My name is Ashley. I ordered myself P90X3. It's supposed to be here on the 2nd , hopefully sooner. I look forward to starting it .


  • Kev_328
    Kev_328 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ashley, my name is Kevin. I too am new and just joined the site the other day. My version of P90X3 arrived yesterday. My plan is to officially start this Monday. In the meantime I decided to try out one of the sessions to see what it's like. I decided to try "The Warrior" last night. (It's the 6th CD in the set.) Here are my Initial take aways-

    1.) Make sure you know where the pause button is located on the remote. You'll need it.
    2.)The pace is pretty quick. In P90X the transition from one set to the next set provided a "little room" for a breather. Not so with P90X3. And don't be fooled by the 30 minute duration; a lot of the exercises have become more complex.
    3.) The Nutrition guide has been totally revamped from P90X. It's a little less regimented and a little simpler. Food is now measured by "way of the hand". No more cups, oz,'s now palm, 1/2 palm and fists.

    Looking forward to keeping you motivated and honest...and hope you will do the same.

  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    So excited...this is going to be a challenge, push your body but also listen to it so you don't get injured. Follow along but don't feel the need to keep,up, do the moves in your own time and focus on form..and slowly work your way speed and reps up. It's about progress. Mood luck
  • anu_active
    anu_active Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Anu and I've been on MFP for about a year now. This will be my 3rd program with Tony. I've done 2 months of P90x and a month of Ten Minute Trainer. Both were awesome and I got great results from both programs. I will start P90X3 tomorrow. Today I plan to stock up my the fridge with 'good' food. :)

    Oh by the way, I am 30, 5 feet 4 inches and weigh about 74 kilos. I want to get to 69 with this program and gain lots of lean muscle!!

    Let's motivate each other:smile:
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    WELCOME WELCOME. what is every having planning for their food menu??. planning ahead of time is very good at making sur you meet your macros and keep from splurging. p90x3 doesn't give a very good meal plan...more of a guild. so we will need to work together to come up with good ideas.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    Hey everyone, new member here. I just finished day 2 and am happy to have found the group. I know that when I completed P90X that having an awesome group was invaluable.

  • arwsgirl
    arwsgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone. Glad to see a group on here. I'm Lauren and I'm about as far from the ideal P90X candidate as you can get. I used to be in excellent shape, prior to kids, but now that my youngest is 4 (yikes!) I cannot simply say it's "baby weight" and need to do something about it.

    I really enjoy these workouts, I wear a Polar HRM and try to keep it under heart attack zone (lol) and I haven't finished any of the workouts completely except Yoga. I tried P90X when that first came out and even though I pushed through I was so sore the next week that my follow through wasn't there. This time I decided that I'd go until I couldn't lift my arm/leg/foot and try to do more next time. So far I've been quite sore but it's not so debilitating that I can't do the next workout. I'm looking forward to getting some of my old strength and flexibility back!

    For now I'm just trying to eat clean while I get back in the swing of exercising.
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    I've grown to love feeing sore, it means your body is changing :) just stick with it. glad to have you.
    Hi everyone. Glad to see a group on here. I'm Lauren and I'm about as far from the ideal P90X candidate as you can get. I used to be in excellent shape, prior to kids, but now that my youngest is 4 (yikes!) I cannot simply say it's "baby weight" and need to do something about it.

    I really enjoy these workouts, I wear a Polar HRM and try to keep it under heart attack zone (lol) and I haven't finished any of the workouts completely except Yoga. I tried P90X when that first came out and even though I pushed through I was so sore the next week that my follow through wasn't there. This time I decided that I'd go until I couldn't lift my arm/leg/foot and try to do more next time. So far I've been quite sore but it's not so debilitating that I can't do the next workout. I'm looking forward to getting some of my old strength and flexibility back!

    For now I'm just trying to eat clean while I get back in the swing of exercising.