Hello All - Introduction

My name is Andy and I am over 300 :(

I am starting my diet/exercise once again. I was doing well and down about 25 lbs or so, but then in October, the wife had a baby and then holidays, etc, etc. I gained about 10 back in 2 months because of all of the eating out (no time to cook recently). I am still down about 15 lbs from my initial weight, but ultimately my goal weight (for now) is just to get back under that 300 mark.

I have never signed up for any group son here before and this is my first. I am hoping for a group of people to keep me motivated and kick my *kitten* when it needs to be done. I am hoping you all will provide support and answers.

Thanks for having me.


  • onlyvictory2014
    onlyvictory2014 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, My name is Tiara. Your intro sounded close to what I had in mind with no time for cooking, the holidays, plus life in general gets the best of us at times, but continue to strive and I am sure you will reach the goal that you set your mind on. Remember that nothing is impossible with God. :) And feel free to add me as a friend. I need support as well.
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    HI and welcome :)

    I'm 5'11 and 29 years old. I started this on June 25 at 375 pounds... and have lost 70 pounds!! I love this site! it has honestly changed the way I think about food and has made me actually slow down and think about what I'm putting in my body! I am a total food addict and I cringe at the amount of crap I was eating!! I had a small hiccup during the holidays but have since stopped the madness and jumped back on the healthy food wagon!!

    Feel free to add me!! I'm here every day and try to offer support when I can!!

  • toonafeesh
    toonafeesh Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Tiara and Lindsey! I added you both as friends :)

    Great job on the weight loss, the holidays are always a hard time of year for weight loss.

    I have been using MFP for years, but I have never had a lot of success (my own fault). I am committing fully to it this time and trying to utilize all of the tools they provide including message boards.

    I hope to run my first 5k in May, but I definitely want to get below 300 before that or it might be a rough run.

    Good luck on all of our continued success on losing weight. Hopefully you will see me on here a lot more in the coming days.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Hey Andy! You can do this :happy: I have found pre-logging all my meals for the week (and adjusting on the day as necessary) and logging in everyday really helpful in my weight loss so far.
  • sarahyourprincess
    sarahyourprincess Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome! You will find motivation here! and you can do this, congrats on taking the first step
  • toonafeesh
    toonafeesh Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Sarah, it is nice to have so many people offering support :D
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Hoping to join this group to share our unique experiences being over 300lbs.

    My name is Tina and as of December 30th I was 321lbs. I've since lost 10lbs and am feeling very committed.

    I've lost and regained too many times to count or post about. :S

    Look forward to getting to know you all!
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome SadieRose!