in need of motivation

Hi guys,
First off, I have some questions about thyroid problems and losing weight.
I have hashimoto, so as most of you will probably know I am basically destroying my own thyroid.
But I just take pills for it so my levels are normal, so i dont understand how it can still be affecting weightloss?
I dont know if the people having trouble losing weight do so because they dont have access to those pills or is it really still affecting me even though I am taking those pills?
And if taking the pills solves the problem, why is it that not everyone with a thyroid problem is taking them? That is not a judgement, but a genuine question. Because where I'm from those pills are pretty much free, I think I pay about 3 euros for a 3 month treatment, but I realise that in other countries they might not be.

Second, I have another question, just repasting another message:

Hey guys,
I just started a fitblr and I have a rather weird question I guess.
Basically the reason I started it, is because I need to set goals publicly. If I jus set them for myself and I dont tell anyone I know I wont stick to them. And since I dont live with my parents and my boyfriend has very different fitness goals (bulking, loads of protein shakes and A LOT of calories) than me, I was looking for motivation elsewhere and I started that blog.
The problem is, none of my friends are on tumblr or have a fitblr, which illustrates how little fitness support and expertise I have in my direct environment I guess. So no one is checking up on me and I'm basically still just setting goals for myself, if that makes sense?
So I would feel a lot more checked-up on and motivated if some of you could like my blog. I'm not saying you're gonna get anything out of it, basically it's just a log of what I eat and motivational pictures, but the fact that you would know my goals would make me work harder to obtain them.
Thanks in advance!!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's, I take Synthroid, and I've lost 20 lbs. My endocrinologist says taking my meds means I should be able to lose weight exactly as if my thyroid were normal. I'm not convinced. It took me an entire year (on ever-increasing doses) to lose the weight.

    People have various reasons for not taking meds: Scientology, no health insurance, unaffordable insurance copays, fear, baggage from a family member's prior bad experience, etc., etc.