Take a look at my diary for today?



  • LoveSanrio
    Found that there was a number off! It was at 37% body fat for some reason, and I am actually closer to 56%! So after fixing that it says that I have 129lbs of lean body mass.

    Also, the country crock is butter, not margarine.

    EDIT: Could my body mass be a bit more because I am on the short side? When I plug in the same exact numbers, but with me as 5'6, it gives me a lean body mass of 120lbs.

    I think I have more accurate numbers now, thank you!

    *Generated by [Keto Calculator](http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com) 6.16*

    31/F/5'3" | CW 293 | 56% BF | Lightly active

    * 2105 kcal Goal, a 24% deficit. (682 min, 2769 max)
    * 20g Carbohydrates
    * 83g Protein (83g min, 161g max)
    * 188g Fat (30g min, 261g max)

  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    Keep the protein on the lower end of the scale unless you are very active in exercise.

    You are doing it right though! Great job.
  • LoveSanrio
    Thank you :) My macros look much better now. I found out that the ideal body weight for my height is 140lbs. I have a long way to go, but I know that I can do it. I weighed 150 before I had kids, so I haven't seen that number in a very, very long time.

    Also want everyone to know that my stall has stopped!! I did a happy dance earlier when I saw that I have lost 6 more pounds! I will adjust my macros again when I lose 4 more. I sincerely thank you all for being so helpful, and supportive. It helps me tremendously to have a great support system. I've been feeling really good today actually (after a headache last night that lasted 5 hours).