

  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Hi everybody,

    My MFP-related resolutions/goals are:

    1)Run the Gasparilla 15K
    2)Do my first triathlon sprint
    3)Get to my weightloss goal (14 pounds to go) and then reassess.
    4)Lose another 3 inches from my waist.

    I should probably try to cut back on candy or something, but it's just not going to happen!
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi everyone my goals for 2014

    1) lose 70lbs
    2) walk 100km per month - despite all the snow :sad:
    3) no pop!!!
    4) do a 15K hike in Jasper (Canadian Rockies) in the summer
  • MsDillieBar
    MsDillieBar Posts: 414 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My 2014 goals:
    1. I did the first one already, which was to sit down and actually write out my goals and be very specific!
    2. TRACK! TRACK! TRACK! (I've been very bad at this in the past!)
    3. Drink at least 48 oz of water daily. I know the magic number is 64oz, but I am not a water drinker so I'm starting smaller.
    4. Lose 50 lbs, which equals about a pound a week starting this week.
    5. Get to know more people on mfp. I tend to be one of those "hover" people who join groups but don't join in the group, so I'm changing that this year. (hence the post) :)
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Allot of amazing goals on here for this year, but no doubt we can reach them and beyond. 2014 is going to be an amazing year!!!
  • MindMelter
    MindMelter Posts: 18 Member
    I rarely make goals but I'm going to this year!

    1. Take off the weight and KEEP IT OFF!
    2. Learn how to eat at maintenance (see #1)
    3. Run my first Epic Relay Race (a totaly of 16-ish miles)
    4. Run my first 15K in the Shamrock Run
    5. Drink in moderation--I don't have an alcohol problem, but I just cannot drink as often as I have been, even with exercise. No more booze gut!
    6. I think that is enough for now!
  • balance_happy_mum
    balance_happy_mum Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm back after an absence :)

    My goals are to run 10km in under 1 hour. I made my last years goal of 5km in under 30 mins,

    Find time to run more for pleasure.
    Need to commit to running the Mothers Day Classic this year and also do a military style cross country course, like the tough mudder :)

    Get my head back in the game and start tracking again.

    I also want to add more strength training to my exercise, actually add more exercise would be good. I want to walk more, add Pilates or Yoga for stretching and flexibility. Add finish setting up our home gym :)

    I currently do body step 1x a week, body pump 2x week and i try to run a couple times a week anywhere from 5km to around 10km depending, as well as using my Fitbit to get to my 10,000 steps per day.