
SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
Hey all, I'm a new guy here to this group and have been with MyFitnessPal several months now. I have in the past lost weight using the Atkin's diet and started it a few months back. I know his method is not always looking at what you eat as long as it is "Low Carb" and even when I have over-eaten I generally do not eat much junk-food. Silly thing is I was loosing weight rather well and was using the Atkin's app to track my progress but it crashed and lost all my info and when I went to their site I saw someone suggest MyFitnessPal so I ran here and set it up (no issues at all here).

To get here where I am now, I was chasing a Cauliflower Pizza crust because in my household I am the only one trying to loose weight and they eat a lot of Pizza and I love it too, so I was looking for substitutions. I bumped into links for the Daily Apple and a few other sites so after reading a ton I am stepping over to Paleo/Primal format which seems to have most of the science in place for what they are doing.

I will be on these message boards reading over people's opinions and advice to keep this train moving. I am the kind of man who looks to completion of a thing but before I started this I made a rest-of-my-life commitment to stay on top of this. In the past I would diet then go right back to eating too much and regretting it every time but I always finished my goals, I am just tired of the cycle and need to change my lifestyle permanently.

Now I need to go make that Pizza I have been trying to do for a week or so now...


  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome to the primal/paleo community! Lots of great info here esp in the sticky threads. Enjoy your journey :-)