Optional Mini-Challenge: Week One



  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Jan. 3
    Cardio: 70 min
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Day 3 - 85 minutes of treadmill and shoveling snow.
  • jstmee
    jstmee Posts: 107 Member
    I'm out of mini-challenge......on the positive side I'm still in the most important accountability challenge of my life!
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    Optional Physical Mini-Challenge:
    Do at least 1 hour of cardio every day this week. Ok so far I have done this

    Optional Mental Mini-Challenge:
    List your resolutions in this thread. I want to quit smoking
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Optional Physical Mini-Challenge:
    Do at least 1 hour of cardio every day this week. Ok so far I have done this

    Optional Mental Mini-Challenge:
    List your resolutions in this thread. I want to quit smoking

    Good luck with the not smoking any longer. My sister is trying to do the same thing....tough!! Hang in there!!! :noway: :smokin: :noway:

    When I first started losing weight I made a deal that for every pound I lost she had to stop one cigarette per day (she's a huge smoker). She didn't get too far, but I kept going with my weight. She's still trying though!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! When you THINK you want to smoke, take a walk, do a DVD, think of something physical to do!! :drinker:
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    I'm out of mini-challenge......on the positive side I'm still in the most important accountability challenge of my life!

    Very positive note!! On your own, start the mini challenge over. Don't give up and don't feel bad about this either!! :drinker:
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Darn, I'm out already of the mini challenge. I did my 30 min run in my lunch break, but this atrocious weather we are having put pay to my plans for tonight. Didn't even walk the dogs, too windy and too rainy. Good luck to the rest. I'll be reading my book now. Cip X

    Days not over yet.....walk around the living room or run in place while watching your favorite show!! ANYTHING!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the encouragement. Did not see it till too late, but I'm back in the saddle today on my own mini challenge. Still doing well with the main challenge, so happy days!
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Dec 4th Day 4
    Optional Physical Mini-Challenge:
    Do at least 1 hour of cardio every day this week.
    67 minutes Whew! Hard today. But it early I might do more!

    jstmee & 1LoveChips
    Sorry to hear you have to drop out, makes me sad. :(
    But do keep coming and doing the mini Challenge on your own!
    Amywf07 I wish the best of luck on Quitting smoking it must be hard.
    For me the worst thing about this challenge is see others you have to leave the challenge.
    The best is to see them come back and try it again!
    Seize the day!
    I wish you all the best of luck everyday.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    :bigsmile: Day #1 - Check
    I did it.... NOT ONE SODA TODAY!! PHEW!! This is a huge deal for me!!!
    Cardio - No worries 135 minutes done....Cardio-holic here!!

    :bigsmile: Day #2 - Check Check!!
    I can't believe how easy it's been to stay away from the soda!! I think it's because it's winter, liking my coffee more now!! Who cares, right?? Whatever works!!
    Cardio - 1 hour (Treadmill, Aerobics, Curcuit Training

    :bigsmile: Day #3 - Check, Check, Check!!!
    NO SODA three days in a row!! Whoop Whoop!!
    Cardio - 1 hour of Zumba Class....yes in this cold weather!!! Brrrr!!

    :bigsmile: Day #4 - Quad Check!!!
    NO SODA STILL-I won't lie though, today was the first day I REALLY wanted a soda. I just said NO!!

    Cardio - 1 hour 15 minutes on the treadmill.

    Let's keep going...let's fight these urges to want what we know we don't NEED!! :drinker: WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    January 4th

    63 minutes of cardio done!!!:love:
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    Do at least 1 hour of cardio every day this week:
    Since January 1st my actual workout time (that I log in MFP) has been around 45 minutes a day. But I bike and walk everywhere (!) which easily puts me over 60 minutes each day. Does that count even though I don't log my bike time?

    List your resolutions in this thread.:
    - I want to be a ninja :glasses:
    - Meal prep to make it easier to stay on track once I am back to work. I am new to the whole meal prepping/ freezer meal thingy and mostly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. But I am proud to say that in the last days I have filled the freezer with 18 muffin breakfasts, 3 veggie quiche lunches and 5-6 triple bean burger lunches :drinker: Today I plan to add some burritos to the mix. I just hope and pray that all that goodness is still good once I'm ready to eat it.
    - Trying to increase my protein intake. I really struggle with the recommended 40/30/30. Where is all this protein supposed to come from??? I am a vegetarian and I include lots of yoghurt, milk, cheese, eggs, beans, etc in my diet but still fall way short :cry:
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Do at least 1 hour of cardio every day this week:
    Since January 1st my actual workout time (that I log in MFP) has been around 45 minutes a day. But I bike and walk everywhere (!) which easily puts me over 60 minutes each day. Does that count even though I don't log my bike time?

    List your resolutions in this thread.:
    - I want to be a ninja :glasses:
    - Meal prep to make it easier to stay on track once I am back to work. I am new to the whole meal prepping/ freezer meal thingy and mostly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. But I am proud to say that in the last days I have filled the freezer with 18 muffin breakfasts, 3 veggie quiche lunches and 5-6 triple bean burger lunches :drinker: Today I plan to add some burritos to the mix. I just hope and pray that all that goodness is still good once I'm ready to eat it.
    - Trying to increase my protein intake. I really struggle with the recommended 40/30/30. Where is all this protein supposed to come from??? I am a vegetarian and I include lots of yoghurt, milk, cheese, eggs, beans, etc in my diet but still fall way short :cry:

    ANY MOVEMENT is a good thing!! :bigsmile: Sounds like you really got this in the bag!! The freezer bag!!! :laugh: Okay, I know that was bad!! I'm sorry!! :blushing:
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    January 5

    73 minutes of cardio done!:tongue:
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Jan 5th Day 5 2014
    65 minutes! And more just not done!
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    Do at least 1 hour of cardio every day this week:
    Since January 1st my actual workout time (that I log in MFP) has been around 45 minutes a day. But I bike and walk everywhere (!) which easily puts me over 60 minutes each day. Does that count even though I don't log my bike time?

    List your resolutions in this thread.:
    - I want to be a ninja :glasses:
    - Meal prep to make it easier to stay on track once I am back to work. I am new to the whole meal prepping/ freezer meal thingy and mostly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. But I am proud to say that in the last days I have filled the freezer with 18 muffin breakfasts, 3 veggie quiche lunches and 5-6 triple bean burger lunches :drinker: Today I plan to add some burritos to the mix. I just hope and pray that all that goodness is still good once I'm ready to eat it.
    - Trying to increase my protein intake. I really struggle with the recommended 40/30/30. Where is all this protein supposed to come from??? I am a vegetarian and I include lots of yoghurt, milk, cheese, eggs, beans, etc in my diet but still fall way short :cry:

    ANY MOVEMENT is a good thing!! :bigsmile: Sounds like you really got this in the bag!! The freezer bag!!! :laugh: Okay, I know that was bad!! I'm sorry!! :blushing:

    Haha. What a pun. But that's ok.

    Cardio today:
    I did my TurboFire Fire 45 + HIIT 15 + Stretch 10 classes. I think my body is trying to tell me that it needs a rest day. Haven't had one in 9 days now. I don't want to rest, though. So how can I cheat my body into thinking it had a rest day, without actually giving it one?
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    Oh, and I managed to eat 91 grams of protein. Yay!
  • jstmee
    jstmee Posts: 107 Member
    I'm out of mini-challenge......on the positive side I'm still in the most important accountability challenge of my life!

    Very positive note!! On your own, start the mini challenge over. Don't give up and don't feel bad about this either!! :drinker:

    I've noticed that I have increased my exercise as a result. Thanks. Wendy
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    ANY MOVEMENT is a good thing!! :bigsmile: Sounds like you really got this in the bag!! The freezer bag!!! :laugh: Okay, I know that was bad!! I'm sorry!! :blushing:

    Haha. What a pun. But that's ok.

    Cardio today:
    I did my TurboFire Fire 45 + HIIT 15 + Stretch 10 classes. I think my body is trying to tell me that it needs a rest day. Haven't had one in 9 days now. I don't want to rest, though. So how can I cheat my body into thinking it had a rest day, without actually giving it one?

    Thanks!! I'll be here all month!! :laugh:
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    :noway: Day #1 - Check
    I did it.... NOT ONE SODA TODAY!! PHEW!! This is a huge deal for me!!!
    Cardio - No worries 135 minutes done....Cardio-holic here!!

    :noway: Day #2 - Check Check!!
    I can't believe how easy it's been to stay away from the soda!! I think it's because it's winter, liking my coffee more now!! Who cares, right?? Whatever works!!
    Cardio - 1 hour (Treadmill, Aerobics, Curcuit Training

    :noway: Day #3 - Check, Check, Check!!!
    NO SODA three days in a row!! Whoop Whoop!!
    Cardio - 1 hour of Zumba Class....yes in this cold weather!!! Brrrr!!

    :noway: Day #4 - Quad Check!!!
    NO SODA STILL-I won't lie though, today was the first day I REALLY wanted a soda. I just said NO!!
    Cardio - 1 hour 15 minutes on the treadmill.

    :noway: Day #5 - Oh Yeah Check!!!
    NO SODA - I honestly can't believe this...AMAZING!!

    Cardio - 3 hours throughout the day (not all at one time) on the treadmill.

    WOW!!! Look at what we are all capable of doing!! :drinker:
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member

    Cardio - 3 hours throughout the day (not all at one time) on the treadmill.

    Fantastic! I've been patting myself on the back for three hours on the tennis courts today, but it takes a lot more self discipline to do three hours on the treadmill!

    So I haven't been updating daily here but here are my exercise minutes so far:

    Jan 1: 90
    Jan 2: 110
    Jan 3: 75
    Jan 4: 60
    Jan 5: 170