New To The Group

FierceLisa Posts: 38 Member
Hi everyone. My name is Lisa. I currently weigh 332.8. I hope to eventually get down to 150. I have a long hard journey ahead of me. I am an emotional eater. I also love to nibble on things throughout the day. I have been overweight my whole life. My weight really picked up after I started having children. I have a lot of different health issues now and mobility is really becoming a serious hurdle for me and if I don't do something now I'm afraid that I'll get to the point where I can't. I have a good support system at home. My hubby is also overweight and is doing this journey with me. I know with him here helping me and making me accountable and helping me work through things and helping me change the way I think of food will help alot. I was using MFP last year. I lost 56 pounds. I got pretty sick and was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I got depressed and honestly just stopped caring. I stopped going to the gym and watching the amount I ate. I have gained that weight and then some since stopping MFP. I have had time now to come to terms with things and am now in the right frame of mind to move forward with my life and push through and get my health under control. I started a new Profile on MFP and am looking for any of my friends from before that are still active or new friends that are active to help me in my journey. I still have my YMCA Membership. I also pulled out my Food Scale and my Polar FT7 Watch. We can do it together. Looking forward to a new me for 2014.


  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Welcome back Lisa and I'm glad you are going to PUT UP A FIGHT!!! I know having health problems complicate an ALREADY difficult task but if we don't keep pushing we will surely lose the battle!!!

    Glad you added me!!!

  • I'd truly be lost without my food scale. It's that and MFP that I have to thank for all the progress I've made so far. Best of luck in the upcoming year :)
  • StarL3sS
    StarL3sS Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! I've been back on the system for a month now and am loving it! I feel so much better than I have been in recent months. I too have some mobility issues and I have to get this weight off my body. To be honest I never realized how much damage I did to my body by being so obese. I definitely need the support and will gladly add you to my friends!