The New year a new approach

interloperr Posts: 20 Member
I tried Jane to much time with no weight bearing, This year begins with a two step double focus approach.

First I will begin with high cardio and light weight bearing (3months)

Second, heavy weight bearing light Cardio, (3 months) I will continue this rotation for 2014. I will be updating my exercises and food as I progress.

Ex Cardio walking, standing bicycle sprints, sqaust no weight, lunges not weight, jump rope, My goal in each exercise is muscle failure:

ex, Weight Bearing: pushups, bench press, lat pull downs or band assisted pullups, overhead press, lateral raises, forward rasises, leg pres, leg curls, Snap, side, hook, back kick drills, shadow boxing 4 min rounds, stretching,

Ex. Leg lifts, on the ground and suspended, bent leg sit ups, crunches, forward side planks.

Morning and eve schedule 1/2 hour. or as time permits

Leave me a note with your thoughts.

food max 20% fat all food for the day 1,300 calories goal 40 pounds this year. I'm Bringing sexy back for me!!

At the end of this year I will go up to the counter and or a six pack and a set of guns, then I will remember, never mind I brought my own.

Join me, it will hurt but it will be fun!! and its going to work