Hopefully back at it starting today!

Hi pals,

Well, here I am hoping to start new. I took the month off and held my own, but really need to lose some more. I am hoping I won't get bored this time around. LOL

I did check in each day and you all were staying the course, so good for you!!

I wish you all a healthy, happy, full of laughter and meeting your goals 2014. Let's do this.


  • LSwan2
    LSwan2 Posts: 53 Member
    Glad you're back! Happy New Year! Bet the weather is great there in California! We've had some cold weather, but spring will be here in 2 months. LOL!!!!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Welcome back, Californiagirl, I've missed you. I think we all need to take a break once in awhile. This is a new year and a new start and I know we will all continue to progress toward our goals--some more slowly than others (LOL)--but we can do this.

    And, yes LSwan2, the weather here in northern Illinois is really keeping us snowed in the last couple of days. Maybe calender spring arrives in March, but I know weather doesn't get warmer until late April.

    I'm glad we're all continuing on this journey together!
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    The same to you, dear Marjie! Today is a new day and year and I am getting my resolution going!

    Have a great day!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    welcome back!
  • grandmafish6
    grandmafish6 Posts: 5 Member
    Here I am again and still new at this.....this time for keeps. Would love to meet some new folks out here and offer some encouragement and take advice as well. I am a 63 year old grandmother of 6 and need to lose some (a lot) of weight to keep up with these kids and not be the frumpy grandma I think I am......Happy New Year folks and please add me to your contacts.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    welcome and good luck with your journey
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Here I am again and still new at this.....this time for keeps. Would love to meet some new folks out here and offer some encouragement and take advice as well. I am a 63 year old grandmother of 6 and need to lose some (a lot) of weight to keep up with these kids and not be the frumpy grandma I think I am......Happy New Year folks and please add me to your contacts.

    Welcome! This is a great group of people to get you on track with lots of support and encouragement. I am 64 and grandmother of 4 so I know exactly how hard it is to keep up with them. I've almost reached my goal, but am always willing to encourage others to become fit and healthy because I think we're also happier then. So send me a friend request and I'll be glad to support and encourage you on this journey.
  • pearlMI
    This my first try at a support group. on the Michigan west coast. Cold right now. I am a 64 year old retired nurse and grandma of 2 little girls in Seattle. I am an emotional eater and know that I need support. Am finally starting to lose and hope this helps. I have about 25 more pounds to lose and have been at this weight for about 10 years.
  • ranchmimi
    ranchmimi Posts: 126 Member
    Glad you're back!