
AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
I'm introducing a new supplement today called KetoForce. Has anyone tried this? I had a "quasi-bulletproof" coffee this morning with it.


  • DehydrationStation
    Interesting concept. Supplement ketones prior to physical exertion for additional energy and oxygen efficiency.

    I guess it saves your body having break up the medium-chain triglycerides... but shoot that stuff is expensive compared to coconut oil.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I'm not sure that I get this. I want to be in ketosis, because the ketones are a by-product of fat burning. Having ketones without fat burning through supplementation doesn't make sense to me. To me the real goal is the fat burning, and ketones are the way to monitor that.

    It looks like it's targeted to hard-core exercise people. So maybe in that context it makes sense. Kind of the equivalent to carb loading, but for someone who is keto adapted instead. So, I would conclude that it's a product for the keto-adapted athlete, but not someone doing keto for weight loss
  • DehydrationStation
    I'm not sure that I get this.
    No, you get it.

    It's essentially the keto-adapted equivalent of carb-loading. Think of it as pre-digested MCT oil.

    Going by what my ketone-laden pee smells like, I can't imagine what this stuff tastes like.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    It isn't a pleasant taste for sure. I definitely felt a rev in mental clarity about 90 minutes after I drank it. My main reason for taking it is gym performance particularly during that time I'm cycling back into nutritional ketosis. I think it might be a decent biohack to avoid the keto flu.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    It isn't a pleasant taste for sure. I definitely felt a rev in mental clarity about 90 minutes after I drank it. My main reason for taking it is gym performance particularly during that time I'm cycling back into nutritional ketosis. I think it might be a decent biohack to avoid the keto flu.

    Did you work out after you tried it? The bio on the guy who developed it is interesting, imprisoned for creating designer steroids. He must know his chemistry.

    I am EARLY into 6 weeks of a challenging workout plan. I've been low carb for a couple of weeks and am in ketosis, but just starting to really track my proteins and fat. When I started seriously tracking those macros I had a morning blood ketone reading of .9mM. A little extra boost to help get through the workouts until I've become fat-adapted would be nice. Already using MCTs and notice a benefit from them.

    also, it seems Attia is mildly involved in this product. I know he is very involved with UCANs SuperStarch.