January 2014 Goals!



  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I am also late to the party.

    --I want to lose 1-2 lbs a week
    --Continue to drink lots of water
    --Work out 5 days a week M-F
    --Do something active with the kids on Sat/Sun

    I have lost 3 lbs, I am drinking my water, I need to focus on at least getting in 10 minutes everyday of exercise--failing there. I have been doing active activities with the kids on the weekends. The beautiful weather we had last weekend really helped.

    End of the month update:
    I lost 4 lbs, drinking water, I work out 2-3 times a week--so I am getting closer, am active on weekends with kids! :-)
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    My goals... I would like to...

    - Be closer to 82kg (at last weigh in was 84kg exactly)
    - Finish the day within my calorie limit at least 4 days a week
    - Walk at least 90 minutes 5 days a week
    - Get in at least one 30 minute workout either Zumba or swimming
    - Complete the 30 day Squat Challenge

    Mid-Month Update...
    - Weight 83.7kg
    - Need to put more effort into sticking to my calorie goal
    - Walking is going fine, 57.5 miles to go until I complete the 100 miles a month challenge.
    - 30 minute workout has been hampered and cut short a couple of times by a baby who won't sleep!
    - Halfway through the squat challenge

    End of Month Update...
    - Weight 82.5kg
    - Need to put more effort into sticking to my calorie goal
    - Walked 83 miles
    - Workouts tend to be 20 minutes
    - Completed the 30 Day Squat Challenge
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    January Goals:

    1. Lose 1lb per week (123lbs by 1/31)
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water per day
    3. Workout 30min per day

    2014 Goals
    1. Work on toning up.
    2. Get down to 120lbs by the time I get pregnant with #2.
    3. Get pregnant with #2 in May, after #1 turns 3.
    4. Continue to eat healthy through my pregnancy (will stop logging once I'm pregnant til a few months post-partum).

    I weigh 121lbs, so I lost more weight than I expected.
    I've been exercising 30min daily (HIIT, Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Kickboxing)
    Lost 1 inch in hips, thighs
    Been drinking 8 glasses of water almost daily.

    Hope you all reached your goals!