Hello from Saint Louis


This is a re-introduction. It’s been a while since I have used Fitness Pal. I fell of the logging wagon for a while, like 8 months ago I think.

Thankfully I did not gain any more weight while being gone. But, I didn’t lose either. I am not here because it’s the new year and this is a resolution, I am just picking up where I left off on my journey. I have had a lot transpire in the last year in my health, personal life, and job. I have been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis, which I would not wish on my worst enemy. It sucks when it hurts to step down on your own feet. I feel like my body is turning on me. I’ve never been inactive in my life, with the exception of 2013. Even being overweight I’ve always been an on the go person. It may not have been formal workouts, but I was always doing something. In 2013 I had to take time off work, and stay off my feet for 6 weeks. Right now, I want to be active, I want to get out a walk without pain. I still do things, but I just know that I will pay for it with the pain in my feet. The only way that I will ever lessen this foot pain is if I lose this weight. I’m 29 years old, feeling like I am an old woman. Enough is enough.

I have a few obstacles but nothing that can stop me. I am looking for friends to stay motivated with! Right now I’m at 365 pounds. I have a big goal to reach and I would like to have some positive people in my corner that understand what I am facing and working towards.

A little bit about me:

I am Married, have been for about 5 years.
No children
I am an Admission Recruiter
I am a Photographer
I have three Cats- Bentley, Jackpot, & Jewel
I am crafty, I love to create stuff!
I love to design logos and marketing materials for small businesses
I have my BA degree
I really want my Masters
I automatically assume most people are looking at me because I am fat
I always feel judged by my weight and not my talent
I have a thing for eye glasses. I have way to many pairs

Thanks for reading, and feel free to friend me!



  • FierceLisa
    FierceLisa Posts: 38 Member
    We have similar stories. I sent you a friend request. :)
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member

    UGH!!! I also suffer from plantar fasciitis!!! And I KNOW how bad it sucks!! Especially like when I have to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, I almost just want to HOLD IT to avoid the pain!! lol.

    But, we have to stay active. GREAT job getting your focus back and putting up a fight!!

    I'm adding you!