Adopt-a-noob: Fullsterkur_woman + Seascale18

This is going to be our thread for discussions, so we can keep track of things and others can benefit from playing along at home. :laugh:


  • Seascale18
    Just wondering what you think of my macro goals.
    I'm currently 189lbs. Im 5ft 5.
    I'm currently set to a 2lbs a week loss, which puts my daily calorie limit to 1380 cals. This seems stingy but I'm going to eat back about 2/3 of the calories I burn, so generally I will be eating 1500 plus - this seems more reasonable. I'm using a polar heart rate monitor but I read that you can't claim back all the calories it says you have used.

    I have no proper idea of my lean body mass, but have set my protein for about 104, fat 52 and this leaves me 121 carbs. I might have it all wrong but looking at the pics on one of the other noob threads I think I am closer to the 40%than the 30%. I've put some swimming costume pics on my profile so you can see- unless you think that is beyond the call of duty!! ( I think the trainer is doing a calliper measurement for me on Monday when I start lifting which will be a more reliable measurement.)

    Another thing i was wondering about was eating back my extra cals on big workout days in carbs, particularly when my running training becomes more demanding. I think I am right in assuming that as long as I hit the first protein, fat and carb goals, I can eat the exercise ones back in any form - is thisIIFYM?

    Thanks so much for this help, it is really appreciated.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Thanks, Brainy! I think this one will be more helpful in this thread though. :laugh:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You're very welcome! It's a pleasure to be working with someone who's already up to speed on so much.

    So, let's start with your calorie limit. I like We'll assume that you're 35%, to split the difference between 30 and 40. We can refine as you go, too!

    That yields a TDEE of 1891, so a 2 pound loss a week would mean a calorie goal of 891 calories per day. That's really not sustainable, as you know already. Would you be willing to consider a loss of 1 pound a week? That'd be 1391. Then you can eat some fraction of your exercise calories on top of that.

    Yeah, MFP's calorie burn estimates are atrocious. I've been using a Polar HRM for about 10 years or so, so I know those calorie burns are a little bit high too. 2/3 - 3/4 of what's reported there seems reasonable.

    You can always try it out for 4-6 weeks and we can refine based on your results at that time.

    For your macros, let's look at Using your height, weight, age, body fat, sedentary job, and calorie limit of 1391, we come up with:

    CARBS: 84 PROTEIN: 154 FAT: 49 FIBER: 38-47

    You are right that once you hit your protein and fat goals, you can eat your calories in whatever form you want. Feel free to eat it all in carbs on any day, run day, Monday, whatever! :smile:

    You're already on the right track, so keep it up, and again, we'll refine as you go. Do you have any questions about the above?
  • Seascale18
    Thanks that is very helpful. I am happy with 1lb a week. I need to plan getting the protein level up and will prob get a powder to help. Thanks again x
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    It's great to hear that you're fine with a modest goal. It's better in the long run, in my opinion.

    How are you feeling about the food you're eating so far? How are your energy levels during your workouts?
  • Seascale18
    I'm enjoying the food. I've had to think a lot about how to get enough protein, I bought some protein powder so that should help but it's an acquired taste! I have felt full today though, so that's been good. I think food logging is going to be good for me, especially weighing food because my 'guesstimates' were so over generous.

    I've felt fine with working out so far, It's my first weights session tomorrow with the trainer so I'm excited/ a but nervous about that. I've planned in eating my carbs before I work out so will see.

    Sorry if this is a silly question but if I lose weight, will I just lose fat if I am eating enough protein/ doing weights or will I gain muscle to increase my lean body mass or alternatively will I lose fat and muscle? Does this depend on how heavy the weights I use are for me. I'm not really sure how this works but I think I've just spent too long today reading the forums and am over complicating it.

    Anyway, thanks again :)
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Yes, I know that getting enough protein is really a challenge on a deficit, and especially in Europe. It seems to be really stigmatized for some weird reason.

    Protein powder is a fine way to boost your protein intake above what you're getting from foods. I noticed the other day you ate some cottage cheese, which is great. You can try mixing protein powder in with that. I have found that to be a tasty combination. It's also nice in nonfat Greek yogurt, at least to me.

    Yes, logging and weighing accurately is really eye-opening, especially for things that are calorie-dense, like seeds, nuts or nut butter, cheese, butter, and mayonnaise. Really, any fats. The errors in measurement or eyeballing, even small ones, add up quickly.

    I'm eager to hear how your weight session goes with your trainer!

    That is not a silly question at all! You will probably not gain (much) muscle on a calorie deficit. You may gain a little at first (what they call noob gains). The big thing I need you to be aware of is water gains. When you start to lift, your muscles will require a lot of water to go into them to get the necessary raw materials in there to repair the damage that lifting does. Do not panic!! It is normal, you will not get bulky, it will settle down, and you just have to ride it out.

    If you do eat enough protein (and maintain not too big of a deficit of calories) and you do lift heavy, you will preserve as much muscle as possible. I cannot promise that you will lose 100% fat and 0 muscle, because realistically you may lose a tiny bit of muscle while you are in a caloric deficit. This is the #1 reason I am not seeking to lose weight at this time. I refuse to sacrifice any of my muscle right now.

    But you have a different goal. Your goal seems to primarily be this mud race, which is a wonderful goal to have! Losing some weight and building strength will definitely serve that goal admirably, and focusing on that is a very good idea. Note that I said "building strength". You can absolutely continue to build strength on a (moderate) deficit even if you lose a little bit of muscle. There is no need to worry on that point at all. Progressively heavy lifting will take care of you there.

    Honestly, don't worry too much about what you read on the forums. Feel free to run anything past me for a sanity check too!

    Just be really clear with your trainer about what your goal is (you can really only serve one master at a time), focus on that, put as much effort into it as you can, and you will be successful, I promise! My husband has gained over 40 pounds and can now deadlift almost 500 pounds as a result of this approach. It just works!
  • Seascale18
    Wow 500lbs! That is amazing. I will definitely try the protein powder with fat free Greek yogurt, I think that would be a good breakfast.

    Well it was more of a fitness and strength test today. Very enjoyable and I kept noticing I was smiling every time I caught myself in the mirror ( although I looked a red sweaty mess! )

    So we are going to do a prog based on doing 8-10 reps but with low amounts of rest in between- back to back compound movements is what I think she said (???) using kettlebells and dumbells. We are also doing plyometrics and sprints because she thinks this will help me out with my goals and compliment the running training. I'm really excited about this.

    Thanks again.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You should be excited! You're on the verge of greatness! :happy:

    We don't go to the gym to look good, we go to become the most awesome version of ourselves we can be, but smiling is occasionally permissible. :wink: I'd say that's a wonderful sign that you and your trainer are a good fit. I liked the trainer I had the first half of last year, but still I had problems dragging myself to the workouts. I like working with my current trainer so much that I am always champing at the bit to get to my next workout, and I talk about training with my husband over almost every meal. :laugh:

    Sounds like what your trainer has worked up for you will really help you with your goals, and I'm sure she'll modify the program for you as needed to keep you progressing. If you start to feel bored or like you're stagnating, share that with your trainer. The feedback is necessary to help her do her best job for you.

    You're getting into the routine now. Now just repeat until you get where you want to be!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Great job planning and being flexible to meet your protein goals!
  • Seascale18
    Thanks - I'm trying hard to get the protein in, I'm sure it will become easier! By the way I am so sore, it hurts to walk down stairs and lift my arms!!!!! Have training tomorrow so hopefully will be moving freely again! :laugh:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Just remember that this is the price of admission that we all have to pay. It'll pass. I wasn't sore from doing over 50 deadlifts at weights between 135 and 165 Tuesday, but some fairly light overhead press last night left me feeling sore and miserable today. It's only the third time I've done them in over a year, so I have to pay the price. If I keep up with it, it'll eventually stop making me so sore.

    So hang in there!
  • Seascale18
    I'm o.k - I was so sore yesterday I didn't run but am going to run tonight. I don't mind a bit of pain. I know it will get easier. So I've lost 3lbs!!!! I'm going to go with my trainers scale though and only weigh myself once a week which is 2lbs more than the scale i weighed myself on when I set my weight on MFP so only recorded 1lb on here if that makes sense! I've bought some kettlebells, an 8, 12 and a 16kg so I can use them at home. ( I can hardly lift the 16 at the moment let alone swing it but its something to progress to!)

    Do you think there is an optimum amount of times to train per week for fat loss? I can manage 2 sessions with the trainer and then either 2 or 3 at home/the gym. I bought a copy of the New Rules of Lifting for Women' as lots of people seem to rave about it and my trainer told me it had some good recipes and information in it. They were recommending doing interval sprint/walk type intervals that get your heart rate really high then having a 5 minute rest before doing some steady cardio - so on my running training I'm thinking of doing that.

    Hope you have a good weekend =)

    Doing better with the protein and my husband is really helping by cooking meals with extra protein in for me, so I can just have whatever it is with vegetables while he has his with pasta or rice etc.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    How did your run go?

    It's great that you've lost 3 lbs., but also a good idea to keep weighing in on the same scale that way you've got some consistency. In a couple weeks you'll have a better idea of the real rate you're losing at.

    Good for you for getting the kettlebells; sounds like you're going to enjoy working out with them! It's always good to have a "stretch goal", like being able to swing the 16 kg one. And NROLFW is a wonderful book! I find the diet unnecessarily restrictive and workout program in there overly long and complex (in the later stages) but there's absolutely some great information in there.

    I think there isn't one optimum number of times per week to train for fat loss. Fat loss is going to be governed solely by calorie deficit, and the training will be for achieving athletic performance goals. The intervals and steady state cardio mentioned in the book will help you create a calorie deficit. Just be mindful that you don't want to keep too large of a calorie deficit so that your body won't adapt by slowing your metabolism.

    Intervals are a good way to improve your cardio though, there's no doubt about that!

    Oh, and it sounds just right to be eating vegetables and extra protein while your husband eats some dry carbs also. I personally cannot forego starches in any meal, so it's quite a balancing act for me. You just have to find what works for you, and then do more than that!
  • Seascale18
    Oh yes, that is a definite - I will only be weighing myself on the same scale on a Saturday now.:embarassed: :smile: still working hard at getting all the protein in but am not too far off. I think I need to get some protein bars for snacks and someone at work eats beef jerky so I will give that a go.

    Really looking forward to training tomorrow - have a few hours of work to do at home tonight after dinner but have already packed food and training kit!! I've been much less stressed about work and I am sure it is something to do with eating well and exercising and planning and organising the day. I read a great quote on someone's wall and it was along the lines of ' don't wish for what you want, work for it.' There is something good about feeling you are working for something you really want.

    My running is going great, I'm not doing marathons and I won't be challenging Usain Bolt anytime soon, but I am finding I can jog further without stopping. I'm actually keeping up with the plan!

    Thanks for your support and help. :flowerforyou:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You're very welcome!

    Oh my goodness, I meant to say "find what works for you and then do more of that", not "than that"! :laugh: Don't post tired...

    I love beef jerky. It's high in sodium, but I don't really care about that. I know that it'll make the scale weight bounce around a little and I'm just fine with that. Life's too short to drive yourself crazy over every little detail. I also love Quest bars. They're expensive, and the chocolate brownie flavor doesn't agree with me (:cry: because it's delicious!!), but we eat tons of them. My husband's job makes it hard for him to eat as often as he needs to and he isn't really able to bolt down a lot of calories in one meal either. So since he's super-muscular and needs lots of protein to feed that muscle, Quest bars to the rescue! (Again, they work for us, so we use them... I know tons of people don't and both ways are just great!)

    You are so right about having a very specific goal and working towards it. Planning/organizing and setting yourself up with your food and training kit all packed is a great strategy. Removing as many obstacles as possible will get you that much closer to success. Then you can just focus on the work that you need to do to succeed!

    I assure you, you're probably better at running than me already, and I've been doing couch-to-5K for several months now! It's not about who you're challenging (unless you mean yourself), as you have rightly pointed out. You just have to meet yourself where you are today, and try to be a little better than you were before. That's how progress gets made!

    Also, yay for looking forward to training! I also get really excited about my sessions with my trainer. I guess that's a credit to how motivating he is. If you've got that, that's a really great thing to have. :bigsmile:
  • Seascale18
    Well I've lost 1lb this week so I think that sounds ok? I'm quite sore still from the weight training - did you say I might add a couple of lbs from It? I'm trying to stretch, stretch and stretch it out!

    I'd be happy with 1lb a week loss, I feel so much better now I'm dealing with the weight gain. I'm getting into a habit food wise, it's easier in the week but as I'm doing more cardio on a weekend I have more exercise calories to eat.

    I've ordered some Quest Bars so I can't wait for them to come! I did actually order the chocolate Brownie ones!

    I really agree with the ' meet yourself where you are and and just try to be a little bit better than you were before' small steady steps! Great advice!

    I had a hard week last week work wise with lots of difficult meetings (with biscuits at each one to resist!!) and extra paper work, but I managed to go to training both nights and to get my paper work done...just about. There has been a big benefit to planning food intake and taking care of myself exercise wise because its forcing me to make space in my day for something else. It's bringing a better sense of balance and I find I'm getting less stressed/tired.

    Anyway, I feel I'm off to a good start - just need to keep it going.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Oh yes, that's a great start! Absolutely, the soreness is going to add a couple of pounds of water weight, and there's really nothing to be done about it but wait it out. It's normal, and your body uses it to repair the damage done during training. If you have a couple of days in a row where you don't train, you could weigh after that to see if it makes a difference, but since I never have more than a day off in a row, I just expect to always have those extra pounds of water.

    Good job on taking care of yourself despite your busy week! You will find that sticking with your exercise routine helps you get into a regular sleep schedule and you will also have more energy.

    So you're finding it more difficult to eat the extra calories during the weekend when you have your cardio workouts? Or you're finding it easier to stick to the lower calorie limit than sticking to the higher one on the weekend? Because that's definitely a thing! Others have observed that too.

    As it turns out, I think the chocolate brownie Quest bars are ok for me; I was misremembering. It's the double-chocolate-chunk ones that are no bueno for me. I think you'll like having them as a quick, easy snack or meal replacement option. I like them for after training, and sometimes with breakfast to up my protein intake there.

    Keep up the great work! You're doing just fine.
  • Seascale18
    Ah, wasn't very clear - I'm finding it more difficult to stick to 1400 at a weekend so it's a good job I have some extra exercise cals! :smile:
  • Seascale18
    Just a little update! Have been introduced to the world of deadlifts so am consequently finding it difficult to walk downstairs! :bigsmile: Another pound has disappeared and I'm feeling everything is manageable.