This group is for you more anybody else. Don't take offense at the term "noob"... it's simply shorthand for somebody who is "new to a site". Although in the public forums this term sometimes has a negative connotation, in this group it's a term with no connotation whatsoever. As you quickly progress from being a noob to…
I'll give each mentor moderator powers for this group so that they can edit their threads as necessary. Remember that each of these threads is not only a real-time effort to instruct their noob, but will also be an archive to be read by other noobs in the future.
Group Mission & Goals
Group Mission I. To help noobs get up to speed quickly on the actual science of weight loss and fitness, while avoiding the derp that is commonly encountered in the public forums. Group Goals I. To create a publicly viewable repository of the various independent and separate discussions held between each mentor/noob pair…
Adopt-A-Noob: BrainyBurro + ItsTimeCharlie
I started passing along information and advice to ItsTimeCharlie a few days ago by PM. I'll attempt to repost all of that information here at the beginning of this thread, and then resume all future conversations here on this thread. here's my very first response to her request for advice: -- read this link. then read it…
Adopt-a-noob: Fullsterkur_woman + Focusedfitness123
This is going to be our thread for discussions, so we can keep track of things and others can benefit from playing along at home. :laugh:
Adopt-a-noob: Fullsterkur_woman + Seascale18
This is going to be our thread for discussions, so we can keep track of things and others can benefit from playing along at home. :laugh:
Adopt-A-Noob: BrainyBurro + Kellys_Heros
food contains 3 primary components... fats (of various types), proteins (of various types) and carbohydrates (of various types). these are all essential for energy, nutrition, and fitness. these are called macronutrients (macros). so fats, protein, and carbs are your macros. you want to monitor these with your food diary…
.I've already been PMing back and forth with Nickylee76. We've discussed how to set up macros and I've sent her some information on getting started with lifting.
Group Discussion Thread
This is the place for any discussions relating to the purpose or function of this group that is not specific to any of the mentor/noob pair threads.
Adopt-a-noob:Cindyinpg + Fiorella135
Fiorella and I are currently discussing how to calculate your lbm so that you can most accurately set your macro goals.
Adopt-a-noob: Cindyinpg + historygirldd