Food Addiction

They did a story on the news tonight about food addiction. It's interesting to me after all this time they finally admit that people can have food addictions and now doctors are working with their patients based on that.


  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    Dr. Billi Gordon is a Ph.D. who writes a blog on Psychology Today. Here's a link to his latest blog:

    He's really good about posting a new article each week and they are all really great reads on the newest medical info on dealing with food addiction. He's very open about his own issues with compulsive overeating and is a great example of the professional field taking food addiction more seriously. I highly recommend reading his stuff if you found the piece on the news helpful or interesting. Billi is awesom, even though he can get a bit neurosciencey at times. :)
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    bumping to come back to later