Start weight weigh in



    HOPEPATRICK74 Posts: 54 Member
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    Good for Cool chick getting us going!!

    My weight on Jan 5, 2014: 128 pounds (I am 5'2")
    My goal weight is 118 pounds

    I was 130 pounds on Jan 1st but I started the year out re-joing mfp and doing the right things. This is my third yoyo since I lost 30 pounds in 2007. I was down to 120 in May 2013 and then gained as I had some injuries and could not exercise. Then I got sloppy...............and here I am.

    For those of you who have more to lose, I know it might seem annoying....but its all about maintaining once off. The idea is to never get up 10 or more pounds!! Good luck to everyone out there!! We can do this!

    Not annoying at all and maintaining is the key or none of us would be here. I have so much more knowledge now that once I do reach my goal weight I know I will be able to stay there.
  • SW- 154lbs

    GW- 120lbs
    I am 5'2"
  • Start Weight: (Jan 5) 306
    90-day challenge Goal Weight: (April 5) 280
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    SW: 231.4
    GW: 199
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    SW: 207.7
    GW: 190 (at end of 90 days)
    UGW: 150
  • SW: 227
    GW: 199
    UGW: 165
  • My current weight is 68.4,and my target weight is 67

    i am not planning to loose much, as its OK for my height. :smile:
  • Ms_TK
    Ms_TK Posts: 19
    Forgive the tardiness, I can access from mobile.
    CW:184.4 lbs
    GW: 164 lbs after 90 days.
    UGW: 155 lbs
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    Hey guys!

    Cw- 262
    Gw- 240-245 after 90 days.
    UGW- 175
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    Better Late Than Never!
    SW: 178 lbs
    GW: 173 lbs 30 days
    168 lbs 60 days
    163 lbs 90 days 4/1/14

    I think that is realistic!
  • gfthomas2141
    gfthomas2141 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi All,

    My starting weight is 317.2
    My goal is to be under 300lbs by the end of the challenge.
  • Hey everyone!
    SW (1/6/14): 172LB
    Goal Weight: 155LB
    UGW: 130LB

  • chantwizzle83
    chantwizzle83 Posts: 82 Member
    SW: 206
    GW: 190
    UGW: 175
    I won't be working out as much as I want due to illness. But I'll be making better food choices. And trying to do as much moving as I can. Drinking more water and less coffee. And limiting my sugar intake.
  • Isocopter
    Isocopter Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a little late to the party but I did weight myself on Sunday

    SW: 135

    Goal: Lose 1 lb per week
  • Hi all from Alaska! I'm a little late joining but I just started my own 90 day challenge and thought it might be nice to have support :) I am having a family/college friends reunion mid April AND a high school reunion in July so I am wanting to lose 20 lbs.

    I'm 5'4"
    SW: 155
    GW: 135
    UGW: 130

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    Just found this group and liking the vibe. I, too, weighed in on Sunday.
    SW: 162.5
    GW: 150
    UGW: 140-145
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I had actually weighed in on 01/04 so I'll use those numbers for my start:

    SW when I joined MFP: 264
    CW: 247
    GW for the 90 days: 235
    FGW: 150 (*or* 160-170 if it's muscular/toned...I'll revisit this when I get a lot closer to goal...)