obese running buddies.

Are there any other obese women in this group who want to start (or maybe have already started) running? That's my plan. I've started walking for the conditioning and plan to start running in a few weeks.


  • TurtleRunner72
    TurtleRunner72 Posts: 8 Member
    I plan to start C25K on 3/1. I've set a goal to run a 5K in July.
  • Lizbalzog
    Lizbalzog Posts: 12 Member
    I have been messing around with trying to run for years but my lungs defeated me. Now have them under control so am doing run/walks again and have booked a 10k in late May which I aim to do mostly running. I was getting there last year doing 3 run/walks a week and an exercise class but injured my knee so that slowed me down. Time to get on with it!
  • Kentucky_Ellen
    Kentucky_Ellen Posts: 10 Member
    According to the tables and my doctors, I'm an obese runner. I'm a C25K grad turned slacker needing some motivation to get my butt in gear. I'm wanting to start a training plan and share celebrations, concerns and questions with others.

    Add me as a friend if you think we can motivate each other.

  • walkswithtwodogs
    walkswithtwodogs Posts: 1 Member
    I definitely fit the obese walker/runner profile. I just walked a 5k two weeks ago, an hour and five minutes, I was the absolute last person to finish the 5k. I am signed up for two more 5ks, at the beginning and end of May. My feet absolutely kill me when I walk and I have tried countless numbers of footwear over the last three years. I think I have finally realized it's the weight that is pounding my feet sore! Anyway, that's my story!
  • JJ48Fan
    JJ48Fan Posts: 50
    I am a morbidly obese woman who wanted to start running. I downloaded the Running Mate C25k program and just started it. I got excited when I could run for 10 seconds then I had to walk it off, I might have skipped the 2nd run but then could do 30 seconds the next time. My run times are around 3.8 - 3.4 on my treadmill and last night I finally was able to run my 2 minutes each of the 4x's for week 1. I have been on week 1 for a month or so just trying to build up to my 2 minute runs. I figure I'll stay on week 1 until I can hit 2 minutes of running for each of the 4 run times for at least 3 days. Once I can do that then I will move to week 2. I guess I should rename that week 1 to month 1 and week 2 to month 2 because I know it's going to take me a long time to get to running a full 5k but I don't care, if it takes me a year to be able to run a 5k it's better than watching from the sidelines! I am signing up for a 5k in November down in Detroit and if I walk 1/2 and run 1/2 I'll be happy with that :)
  • sjbuescher
    sjbuescher Posts: 45 Member
    My BMI tells me I'm obese - I'm trying to get back into running and am starting to work on increasing my distance so I can one day run a half marathon. Feel free to add me if you'd like!

    My biggest advice - never be ashamed or afraid to take it slow. There are some runs where my pace is very slow, and a walker might be able to pass me, but I just keep going. A mile is a mile whether it takes you 20 minutes or 7 minutes - the distance is still the same, and you're still doing more than anyone at home sitting on the couch.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm in. My BMI is around 35 and I've been running for over a year. My goal this year is to do a sub 40 min 5K (yeah, I'm slow). Was close a few weeks ago at 40:17 but have since had trouble with knee pain which I think is due to hip problems, dammit.

    I've signed up to do a 10K in August - eek! Hoping my knees/hip let me do it!

    Stay as awesome as you are, ladies :flowerforyou:
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    I am so IN!!! I have dreamed of doing a 5k forever. I am 54 and started my most recent weight loss journey on 6/5/2014. I have been working out to Richard Simmons-Sweatin' To The Oldies and yesterday started walking as well. I plan to walk for a couple of weeks then I want to start the C25K plan. I am up for any and all advice and support and I will do my best to give back.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm still walking but adding in some 30 second jogging intervals. I brought my mile time down from 28 minutes to 24 minutes. Nothing to brag about but at 5'2" and 270 pounds I'm hoofin' it out there. I hope someone joins in. I sure could use a buddy.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm still walking but adding in some 30 second jogging intervals. I brought my mile time down from 28 minutes to 24 minutes. Nothing to brag about but at 5'2" and 270 pounds I'm hoofin' it out there. I hope someone joins in. I sure could use a buddy.

    Wow, that's a big improvement! Well done!

    Have you looked couch to 5K apps (C25K)? It really is a good way to ease yourself into it.

    Did 4.3K today, was cold and therefore relatively pleasant - after I'd warmed up. Tried to run intervals between telephone poles, knees got a little sore towards the end though. Next run will be parkrun (5k timed, free, weekly run held by the community for the community. You all should look into setting one up in your town!) on Saturday, gym hopefully in the next day or two.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    I haven't downloaded the C25K app just yet. This is only my 2nd week with walking and I am just now able to do 1 mile. I did a few 30 min jogging/running intervals in my walk last night and am I sore today lol. I plan on doing this a few more weeks until I can walk 3 miles comfortably. Then it will be onward and upward to C25K.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    I am a happy lady tonight. I was walking at 28 mph last week. Last night I added 30 sec jogging/running intervals and brought that down to 24 mph. Tonight, I added more jogging/running intervals and without evening trying, I brought that mile down to 22 mph. I am loving this. i feels so good after a run. I could have done more but it is so hot and muggy here tonight. Still in the upper 80's but according to the weather it has a "feels like" temp of 90 still. I'd better get used to it lol. It's the southern way.