Week one. A beginning!

tricoachart Posts: 32 Member
Week One: Establish your focus. What do you want to do? More importantly why do you want to do it? Please answer that question for yourself. Write it down. Do you want to lose 2 lbs. each week? Don’t try for too much. Shoot for a goal that you can comfortably reach, at least these first few weeks. Besides, it’s really not healthy to lose too much weight too quickly. Also, realize that you will lose weight quicker and prepare your body to help maintain your new weight by exercising. Exercise and diet, exercise and diet, exercise and a healthy diet! You can do this! I know you can! I have complete faith in you! Remember this quote by Woody Allen – “Seventy percent of success in life is showing up!” Well, you’ve done that. Now let’s kick that remaining thirty percent!