Member Updates



  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    So we lost another 40(ish) members overnight... not quite half way through; two more days and I'm beating my December record. Anyone else feels like January is Realllyyyyyyy dragging?

    It's really hard to either get back after the holidays or start a new.....:grumble: It takes a true commitment and lots of support. I know from my personal experience, if you don't have local support it can be even harder!! :noway: That's one of the reason I am soooo involved with MFP....I need this support!!!:love:

    January is actually going pretty good for me. I am adding lots of new workouts. New always changes a lot....additude, calorie burn, body changes, etc. Also, makes things more fun!! :bigsmile:
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Anyone else signed up to "pact"; a new app MFP has partenered with?!

    The idea is that you get monies for doing what you normally do, log food on here. I did, but quickly found quite a lot of negative reviews for various reasons. Would be good to hear some first hand accounts if you have any.

    Yesterday I had to "cheat" with my logging. I had a fast day, where I just have a light evening meal, and nothing else. But in order for "Pact" to work, one has to log at least 1200 calories over three meals.
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    Day 14 and I am still here!!!! We have just about made it half way through the month on January and those of us that are still here and going strong are doing a wonderful job! I am proud of myself and for the rest of you that have stayed accountable this month!!! Give yourselves a pat on the back and high-fives....we all deserve it!!!!

  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I dont know if my profile is public but before the 2010-2011 winter seasons I actually lost weight considering holidays and all of that...I wanted to prove to my self that I can do it again and I actually am doing it again...Im not ready to give up here or there or any where til I am satisfied so if it takes 2 years Im in it for the long haul
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Anyone else signed up to "pact"; a new app MFP has partenered with?!

    The idea is that you get monies for doing what you normally do, log food on here. I did, but quickly found quite a lot of negative reviews for various reasons. Would be good to hear some first hand accounts if you have any.

    Yesterday I had to "cheat" with my logging. I had a fast day, where I just have a light evening meal, and nothing else. But in order for "Pact" to work, one has to log at least 1200 calories over three meals.

    Nope, haven't signed up for that one....actually never heard of it before. Keeps us all posted as to how you like, if you continue.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Day 14 and I am still here!!!! We have just about made it half way through the month on January and those of us that are still here and going strong are doing a wonderful job! I am proud of myself and for the rest of you that have stayed accountable this month!!! Give yourselves a pat on the back and high-fives....we all deserve it!!!!


    Absolutely!!! This takes a lot to go day after day!! High fives for ALL!! :bigsmile:
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    I dont know if my profile is public but before the 2010-2011 winter seasons I actually lost weight considering holidays and all of that...I wanted to prove to my self that I can do it again and I actually am doing it again...Im not ready to give up here or there or any where til I am satisfied so if it takes 2 years Im in it for the long haul

    Just so you know your profile is not public. Your diary is open though. :flowerforyou:

    Nice attitude to have!!! I KNOW my weight didn't take six months to come certainly took longer than that to take it off. HOW EVER LONG IT TAKES!!! :bigsmile:
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Day 14 and I am still here!!!! We have just about made it half way through the month on January and those of us that are still here and going strong are doing a wonderful job! I am proud of myself and for the rest of you that have stayed accountable this month!!! Give yourselves a pat on the back and high-fives....we all deserve it!!!!


    Hear, hear!
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Had a really good day yesterday, I feel like I'm really in the zone now. And we're half way through January nearly.
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    WOOO HOOOO....we made it to Day 15!!!! After losing weight for a year, I seem to be at a plateau but with these challenges and groups helping me stay accountable and motivated I think I may have finally crossed over that plateau. I will know for sure Monday morning when I get to weigh-in on a set of scales that are very accurate!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    WOOO HOOOO....we made it to Day 15!!!! After losing weight for a year, I seem to be at a plateau but with these challenges and groups helping me stay accountable and motivated I think I may have finally crossed over that plateau. I will know for sure Monday morning when I get to weigh-in on a set of scales that are very accurate!

    WTG!! Keep us all posted on the "Melting Monday" weigh in!! Good luck!! :drinker:
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I dont know if my profile is public but before the 2010-2011 winter seasons I actually lost weight considering holidays and all of that...I wanted to prove to my self that I can do it again and I actually am doing it again...Im not ready to give up here or there or any where til I am satisfied so if it takes 2 years Im in it for the long haul

    Just so you know your profile is not public. Your diary is open though. :flowerforyou:

    Nice attitude to have!!! I KNOW my weight didn't take six months to come certainly took longer than that to take it off. HOW EVER LONG IT TAKES!!! :bigsmile:

    I know my diary is. I joined a group in Nov that said stay true to logging everything so when I did, I decided to open my diary.... then recently I changed my times again and half my food disappeared on me lol but past couple days is usually how I eat
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    WOOO HOOOO....we made it to Day 15!!!! After losing weight for a year, I seem to be at a plateau but with these challenges and groups helping me stay accountable and motivated I think I may have finally crossed over that plateau. I will know for sure Monday morning when I get to weigh-in on a set of scales that are very accurate!

    WTG!! Keep us all posted on the "Melting Monday" weigh in!! Good luck!! :drinker:

    Thank you!!! I will be sure to let you know how things go on "Melting Monday" (I love that term!!!)!!!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    WTG!! Keep us all posted on the "Melting Monday" weigh in!! Good luck!! :drinker:

    Thank you!!! I will be sure to let you know how things go on "Melting Monday" (I love that term!!!)!!!

    THANKS!! I used to weigh in on Fridays. Then depending on how well the weigh in went, I would lighten up over the weekends. Not super bad, but not the same as during the week. Then someone suggested a Monday weigh in. Now, I rethink those weekend temptations because I know I have my weigh in on Monday!!! Started seeing a more consistent lose. :bigsmile:
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Jan 16th
    Crappy week. Monday and Tuesday I feel like this is going no where. I am stuck. So stuck. Trying hard, going no where. So I decided to change things up ...... again. Then Wednesday had to have dental work and my mouth feels like its on fire....... today!!! But it goes along with this week. And now because of my mouth I am in total misery. Maybe I should just take a few more days off. So worried I will just fall off the horse though. HHHhhhhhhuuuuuuu......
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Jan 16th
    Crappy week. Monday and Tuesday I feel like this is going no where. I am stuck. So stuck. Trying hard, going no where. So I decided to change things up ...... again. Then Wednesday had to have dental work and my mouth feels like its on fire....... today!!! But it goes along with this week. And now because of my mouth I am in total misery. Maybe I should just take a few more days off. So worried I will just fall off the horse though. HHHhhhhhhuuuuuuu......

    If you rally feel like you need some time off, please do!! Listen to your body!! However, could you just cut waaaaay back. Short slow walks instead of a run. You will know when you can step it up again. Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    January 20th

    WOOO HOOO!!!! I have finally jumped over that plateau!!!! I also reached my first mini weigh less than 190!!! Next mini goal....weigh less than 185!!! These challenges are helping me stay motivated and active. The added push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, etc. are paying off!!! Thank you for the added push!!!!
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    January 20th

    WOOO HOOO!!!! I have finally jumped over that plateau!!!! I also reached my first mini weigh less than 190!!! Next mini goal....weigh less than 185!!! These challenges are helping me stay motivated and active. The added push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, etc. are paying off!!! Thank you for the added push!!!!

    Fantastic, well done!
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    January 20th

    WOOO HOOO!!!! I have finally jumped over that plateau!!!! I also reached my first mini weigh less than 190!!! Next mini goal....weigh less than 185!!! These challenges are helping me stay motivated and active. The added push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, etc. are paying off!!! Thank you for the added push!!!!

    Good job! Your commitment is paying off!
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Can't begin to tell you how good I'm feeling about this challenge now... at the start it's always quite daunting, but I've been so committed, especially on the exercise front, running EVERY day, and then watching the cals and logging, just came really easy and naturally.

    Really pleased I've joined again this month, and it doesn't even feel like a challenge anymore, it's soooo easy <smug alert>

    And here we are three weeks later, so close! Well done everyone.

    :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: