When/Where do you do your insanity?

I like to do my workouts in the morning to get them out of the way, but I have found that I am hungry/sleepy and am not able to put in maximum effort. However, I don't have the time to wake up earlier to eat a snack, wait for it to digest, and then workout. I have tried in the past to do this in the evenings after work, but usually come home hungry and just want to eat dinner. Then I gotta wait to digest again, and by then I'll start feeling like it's too late, and it's easy to procrastinate til never. Just wondering how everyone else works this into their schedule?

Also, where do you typically do your workouts? I live in a 5th floor condo, luckily it's made out of concrete and relatively sound proof, no complaints yet from my downstairs neighbors the 3x that I've already tried to do this yet!


  • Nycdanz13
    It depends if I wake up early enough. My evenings are pretty busy with dance so my plan is to do this in the mornings so I have 10 hours to "recover" before dance.

    I do the Insanity workouts in my living room. I have a first floor apartment so I don't anticipate any issues.
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    Just started in living room yesterday and it was pretty tight. I will move the couch over tonight for more room.
  • BriPZ74
    BriPZ74 Posts: 19
    Typically you don't need to digest the food you use for fuel if it is light. A half of a banana or a full clementine in the morning pre workout, or anytime pre workout is fine. If you do it in the evening take a snack to work and eat it about an hour before you get home.

    I do my workouts in the living room, I keep waiting for the wife to get grossed out by the sweat. I put a towel down but I know all of it doesn't make it to the towel.
  • angiecat01
    I workout in the living room, too. I play the workouts on my computer on the coffee table so I don't have to strain my neck looking up at the wall mounted TV. I start around 0530 so I have time to get cleaned up, log my progress, eat and get to work on time. My hubby is asleep then so I don't feel self conscious having an audience. I feel fully awake well before my first cup of coffee, which means I am having less coffee (and the loads of creamer I put in it).
  • ryansgirl13
    I do my workouts in my basement, it is cooler down there and all the jumping doesn't shake the house! I try to work out in the mornings on the days I have later classes and work out after classes on those early days. However I feel like the workout I just did didn't go very well it was the first one I did as soon as I got up.. I'll see if I feel like that next week and if I do I will probably just do them after classes.
  • gwhitw01
    gwhitw01 Posts: 5 Member
    I travel during the week so I do most of my workouts in my hotel room after work and before I have dinner. Sometimes the room is quite tight for space, but I can still get it done.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I do it late at night, generally between midnight and 3:00 am. I have a weird schedule.