New to the group

HI all,
My name is Marti and I am a busy night nurse. I work Cardiac and ICU. Presently we are working four or five 12+ hour shifts a week. I have slowly put on 75 pounds over the last 15 years and it is past time to take it off! I am struggling to fit in both nutrition prep as well as cardio exercise...looking forward to reading all the tips and ideas here. Looking forward to the support!



  • Lauracanbe125
    Hi Marti and Everybody,
    I just joined myfitnesspal and your group today! I am about one third of the way through my weight loss journey. My kids are great support when they are home but we are all very busy. It was great reading what everyone does! I have been a Nurse for 33 years. All but just a few have been on the third shift. I currently do three 12 hour shifts per week but with travel time it is more like 14 hours. I also try to do all 3 shifts in a row so on my days off I can feel normal. This schedule is exhausting. I find it difficult to meal plan and get enough fluids in to stay hydrated. I am sure all of you can relate! Please add me as a friend :yawn: Laura
  • MpotRN21
    MpotRN21 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! I'm Maureen, I'm a night nurse on an open heart step down unit. It's so hard to stay up all night without eating everything in sight! When I've been successful in the past I have brought an abundance of healthy options to work with me to avoid the cafeteria, cafes, and vending machines. I have also started to bring a snack for the drive home (45 min drive) otherwise I'll be tempted to go through a drive-thru. So far so good!
  • nurseverde

    My name is Angela and I am a labor and delivery nurse on the night shift. I live in Oklahoma and I am struggling with healthy eating on the night shift!
  • MpotRN21
    MpotRN21 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Angela! it's really hard but we can do it!!
  • stephanie_ellen
    Hi I am a nursery/post-partum nurse working the night shift... Excited to drop the weight and be positive!