My body has its own STOP spot

mettfam Posts: 21 Member
Does anyone else notice there body will not go any lower than a specific weight? I've tried every type of diet, including Herbal Magic and HCG and my body will NEVER go under 146! On me that looks little (5'4") I have a VERY athletic build. But I'm not okay with 146 thou I would love to be in the 130. Happen to anyone else?


  • I have a spot my body is comfortable. I've gone below it, but it is very hard work to stay there.
  • Yes! Mines about 135. I look good at this weight, I feel. Even though I am short I tend to have more muscle than a lot of women I know and no one ever thinks I weigh as much as I do. However I always want to be in the 120's but would have to kill my self to get there and maintain it...
  • mettfam
    mettfam Posts: 21 Member
    That's me. I probably look around 125 when I'm really 146. Sure wish I could get under it one day!
  • rlallain
    rlallain Posts: 376 Member
    Don't get hung up on the number that the scale shows. If you feel good and look good and are healthy, who cares what the number is? I was a figure skater growing up so I *always* weighed more than my friends given that I had a lot more muscle mass. But I could wear the same clothes as them! I, too, have a weight that my body tends to gravitate towards, but it makes my middle a bit softer than I'd like and than I think is healthy. I struggle to stay under it, but I also know that I have a tendency to lose 10 lbs., get very excited about the way I look & feel and then completely slack on my eating and exercising and slowly put the 10 lbs. back on. I'm on a mission to lose that weight again, and stick with it long-term this time!
  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    Have you ever looked up the body fat calculator that tells you how much you're supposed to weigh? It's pretty good. You measure some body parts, plug the info into their calculator and it tells you how to calculate how much is muscles/bones, etc. that you CAN'T lose. Then you do some more calculations yourself and figure out your "good weight" by using body fat percentage.

    For example, I'm 5'8" and 158 pounds. I have a body fat percentage of 26.27 (erlack!) My "lean body mass" (I think that's what it's called, but don't quote me!) is 118 pounds. So to be at 18% body fat (attainable and POSSIBLY maintainable) I would need to weigh 146 pounds. So I'm gonna shoot for 146-150. And toned. :-S I'll try to find the link and let you know soon.
  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    Found it! It's Try it and use it as a guide, not an absolute "if you don't get here you're fat" marker. Without proper measuring by a doctor with expensive equipment, it is JUST a guideline.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm the same way with a STOP spot, but I'm wondering why all of you want to go lower in weight when you are saying "I look little" and "people think I way a lot less"...if you look good and are healthy, seriously don't worry about the number! I'm personally shooting for 140. I am 5'6" I have fairly broadshoulders and a bit larger bone structure than most...I could probably weight 130 if I really wanted too, and I'm sure people don't think I'm 140 when I am or think I look like I need to lose any weight, but I look healthy at 140... So what if society tells you beauty means you should weigh under whatever number? It's not true! At my BEST, I'm still a medium and a size 8. Beauty comes in all sizes.

    I guess it's hard to give up the idea of the magic number, but do you all go around telling people your weight anyway? I don't, so really I don't care how that number compares to others numbers, I just happen to know what the number is where I look good and it's not under 140. Work with your body, not against it.

    Keep in mind that after a certain age too (I'll say 30 or so) we all look better with a bit of meat on us...otherwise we look much older. I'd rather be a youthfull looking 140 than an sunken, old looking 130.