New and making positive changes!

Hi all. I am happily married and I have four children (14, 12, 10, 10). I also teach eighth grade special education. Last year I was diagnosed with Fibro. Even after meds, my knees and feet continued to hurt A LOT. Just got diagnosed with patella Femerol syndrome. All of this has made me be very tired and sedentary. I just started PT and I cried the first day because I was so weak. I remember being an athlete and active and it is really hard to accept pain and exhaustion. Even though this is only my second week of PT, I am feeling much stronger and want to be able to exercise more. I am cleaning up my diet too. It will be great getting to know all of you. I look forward to making friends. I think encouraging each other is key.


  • fitgirl4x48
    fitgirl4x48 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome! I understand completely and I'm glad you've decided to make the change :) ((gentle hugs)). I workout about 4-5x/wk now...but when I started I was maybe 10-15 mins on Elliptical, got dizzy, felt ill and was soooo discouraged. Good thing I'm a stubborn woman - went back next day and tried again....gave myself 2-3weeks of just doing what I could....getting used to moving can do it! I think that pacing yourself is the key...learning what works and what doesn't.
