New to this please help!!!

I was at the doctor shortly before Christmas and he told me that I was prediabetic...he told me cut down carbs, lower my caffeine intake and lose weight so I googled how I could do that since I tried so many other things... I came up with low-carb high-fat diet which I think I get it for the most part.. I've been doing it since New Year's and have lost 5 pounds YAY! I keep under 20 carbs which isn't hard I'm at about 11 to 15 a day... I found so many other alternatives on eating food I don't even miss bread rice pasta etc... At all.. I found a ketogenic webpage and it said if it's my first three weeks into it to keep my carbs at 20 protein at 150 and my fat at 66.5 my question is do I count total fat saturated fat what is my 66.5... Anyone that can help with anything would be greatly appreciated....


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    The numbers seem a little out of whack if you're thinking low car, high fat. I'd go with more of a carb/protein/fat at 1/4/8 on a calorie basis to ensure you're properly satiated. If you're lifting heavy, it might look more like 1/4/6. At least that works for me.
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    Use this to figure out what you should be eating for carbs, fat and protein on a keto diet.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    OK, so your numbers of:
    20 g Carbs
    150 g Protein
    66.5 g Fat

    Would net to about 1279 calories per day, and equate to the following percentages:
    Carbs: 6%
    Protein: 47%
    Fat: 47%

    This is not ideal for keto. This is closer to a low carb, high protein, moderate fat diet; when you actually want low carb, moderate protein, high fat. Excess protein converts to glucose, and can actually be as much of a problem as carbs.

    The keto calculator is a great tool. Definitely use that. Your calories also look pretty low, and you may need to adjust those as well.

    60% fat - 35% protein - 5% carbs is the lowest level of fat I'd consider starting with for keto. For reference, I find better success with 70-75% fat; 20-25% protein; 5-10% carbs.

    My very rough rule of thumb, is that I should have AT LEAST as many grams of fat as protein at every meal. So if I eat 30 g of protein at a meal, I also need at least 30 g of fat. Usually I'm eating 1.5 - 2x more grams of fat as protein.

    I've always liked the reddit keto FAQ. It may provide some good info for you as well.

    Good Luck!
  • Alexis1016
    Okay thank you that was helpful...I was trying to do the was telling me stay around 20 to 30 wasn't saying how much for protein and fat... I didn't know there was a difference between the lchf and fitness pal says 1880 calories I need to lose the weight I want to lose

    I used the Keto calculator again and it says
    Calories 1880
    Proteins 106g 22.5%
    Carbs 24g. 5%
    Fat. 151g. 72.5%

    Should I really try to get to those #s? Is it okay if I'm under?
    And when keeping track of my numbers on myfitnesspal do I look at the total fat or the saturated and monounsaturated fat...thank you so much for your help
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Those look GREAT! Much more in line with what I would expect.

    MFP's targets have always kind of bugged me. I tend to think of these as a "window".
    For calories, it's my target, +/-100 calories. (So I target 1550 calories, but I'm ok anywhere in the 1450-1650 range).

    Again, I try to hit these windows -
    70-75% fat
    20-25% protein
    5-10% carbs
    These aren't in MFP - but it's more what I consider "OK" when looking at my day (my actual MFP targets show as 70-20-10)

    Carbs are tricky. Most of us consider "net carbs", which subtracts fiber from the total carb value. But MFP doesn't account for net carbs. And silly MFP requires you to set your targets as a percentage, that is divisible by 5. So you end up having to round things up or down anyway.

    You are absolutely on the right track though! Now go eat some bacon.
  • Alexis1016
    Thank you! thank you! thank you!