Has anyone tried natural progesterone cream for menopause?

Frmvt Posts: 15 Member
I read about using natural progesterone cream in "what your dr doesn't tell you about peri menopause" by Dr Lee. I bought some and have been thrilled with the results (no more PMS, cramps and periods every 2 weeks). However, I was just wondering if anyone else has used it, and if so did it cause you to gain weight? Especially around the midsection (Buddha belly). I'm short so that is where my weight gain shows up anyway, just wondering if anyone else has noticed this. I love the cream and will use it regardless, but was curious what others thought about it. There are many different kinds, I use Cycle Balance Plus.


  • WaistedOne
    WaistedOne Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. No, I haven't.. I'll be very surprised if rubbing in a cream will put on weight, though. How long have you been using it?
  • Frmvt
    Frmvt Posts: 15 Member
    I have used it since August. It can make your weight change because it changes your hormone levels. I was severely estrogen dominant and very low on progesterone and the cream helped to balance that out. I feel SO much better, but also noticed that my weight started climbing in August. Maybe just coincidence.
  • C1131
    C1131 Posts: 25 Member
    I actually can't speak to the use of the cream but actual progesterone is my friend big time! About a year ago my progesterone levels tanked and I had a variety of symptoms, the most critical of which was not sleeping. I was using a fitbit and it was happily tracking my not-sleeping. Prescription supplements were the fix and took me from miserable to happily functional.