Change my 2014 goals based on doctors's recommendation

I need to change my 2014 goals. My doctor made several recommendations for stress and depression which are tightly related to both food and exercise. He recommended 2,000cals to 2,100cals not the 1,800cals a day I planned. He wants the exercise to reduce my weight with a less aggressive cal target. I actually don't think this will delay my progress since I now have to focus on increasing my calorie burning side of the equation.

I need to reduce my carbohydrate intake to lower stress related effects. I've move 5% off carbohydrates and put it on protein.I'm eating for stress\depression in the evening, so I'm on a new daily schedule. I have to maintain a very regular sleeping schedule and time limits when I eat at night. This has always been hard because eats carbs is a stress reliever (until the effect drops and then you feel depressed).

My new schedule:Since my wife has to get up at 6:00am every morning, I'm syncing my efforts with her activities:


6:30-6:45am Wake up and stare at a really bright light J (designed for SAD). It is suppose to energize the brain, but it must light like the sun.

6:45-7:00am Bathroom, shower, dress etc. (yes, guys can actually do that in 15 minutes ladies)

7:00-7:15am devotion time with my wife

I get to work by 7:45am and will be working for 8 1/2 hours. I am able to take two 15 minute breaks during the day, where I walk for 1 mile in 15 minutes (it's my eye break time also). My building is square and the walkway is perfect for this indoor activity.

Night time:

No food after 8:00pm

No electronics (computer and TV) after 9:00am

9:00-9:30pm I take a hot shower and bathroom prep for bed (the shower is considered a stress reliever and a mind conditioning action to fall asleep)

9:30-10pm sit and read in a soft light (I think he means like a 40watt regular bulb, not the full spectrum lights, and unfortunately I don’t think he approves ebooks but I’ll check on that)

10:00 Go to sleepSince I have difficulty getting to sleep (can take hours) he added the following:If I'm struggling to sleep after 10 minutes, get up and repeat the pre-bed reading. Do it if I wake up in the middle of the night. The goal is to not struggle trying to get to sleep in bed for long periods, (says that bad!). He indicates I can train my body and mind by following this regimen, so I plan on doing it for 90 days and reevaluate.

Since anxiety and depression are negative contributing factors to weight gain for me, many of these efforts target those with the side benefit of weight reduction.I will appreciate your encouragement and support as this too has become important to my success. Since I started sometime in November I have gone from 274 to 256 (almost 20lbs).

My stats:

Age: 58Height: 73 inches (6’1”)

Current Weight: 256

Daily Calorie Goal: 2,100

Exercise Goal: Initially 2 to 3 miles a week day walking; want to get up to 10k steps (~ 5mls) every day except Sunday). I need to walk 4.5 to 5.0 miles a day to classified "Active"

Used to calculate my initial calorie burn at my current weight:

Steps to Miles: 2,100/mile1 Mile @ 3mph = 137cal1 Mile @ 4mph = 147cal

3mph: 616cals per day

4mph 735cals per day