
I am new to this and have gone 2 days primal. I have made Elana Amsterdam's Cheddar Cheese Crackers and Classic Carrot Cake (no frosting). So I've had more almonds lately (almond flour), but I have eaten a lot of raw almonds as snacks for 30 years. Now yesterday (day 2) I have had a constant runny nose which is clear. This morning, my nose is still going and I have a rash on chest and arms. Are these normal reactions or should I be looking at something else? Thank you for any help and support.


  • mike00t
    mike00t Posts: 9 Member
    Hi - It could be just a coincidence, and you're actually having an allergy to something else. On the other hand, it takes a lot of almonds to make almond flour so maybe you actually have an allergy that only presents itself when you eat a lot of them. Personally, I'm not on board with all of the nut flour recipes that are supposedly primal/paleo. If I want something sweet I'll have a piece of fruit or a few squares of dark 70% chocolate.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    It could be a number of things. If you are sensitive to something that you are eating a lot more of now than you were before, that might explain the rash. I would discuss with your doctor.

    I've also read posts about rashes during a "detox" and rashes during rapid fat loss. I'm not really sure how common those are, and if you are only 2 days into going primal, I would think the food sensitivity/allergy to be a more realistic explanation.

    If it were me, I'd cut out the almonds (or other food I suspect) and see how long it takes the rash to go away. Or you could take benadryl or antihistamines and see if it goes away...again, talk to your doctor...
  • kenkl
    kenkl Posts: 26 Member
    First thing I think of with your symptoms and their timing is Keto Flu. Primal/Paleo overlaps with Keto enough (low carbs, high fat) that it could be a thing here. Have a look at the Keto Flu section of the FAQ from Reddit:

    tl;dr - It's normal as you reduce/eliminate carbs and will only last a few days. Attending to your electrolytes should help with the symptoms. FWIW, it's what I did when I first got the Keto Flu and it worked nicely.

    If that doesn't work, see a doctor about the rash (not a common symptom, but it's understandable).
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You could be adjusting to the new lifestyle. Many people get a "carb flu" when they change to Primal/Paleo lifestyle which is often much lower in carbs than the previous diet.

    You may also be eating too many almonds too.

    In my opinion, I don't think the full benefits of Primal/Paleo can be obtained if one uses a lot of Paleo substitutes to replace grain-based products. Ideally, you should be basing your diet on meat/fat and vegetables, with moderate amounts of eggs, fruit and nuts (if tolerated).

    I would recommend finding the culprit by changing lifestyle (keep a detailed food journal and don't change too many things at once), not by medicating the symptoms with OTC antihistamines. Every ailment has a natural cure.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Did you happen to log those two days in your diary? It is closed to the public so I can't see it, but maybe if you have logged all of your paleo foods you could let us look and perhaps something else will jump out.

    If you only want friends to see it, feel free to send me request and I'll take a look.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I have a wheat allergy (opposed to a gluten intolerance). When I'm eating wheat, I have chronic sinusitis. When I stop eating wheat, the first 48 hours is my nose runs, itches and I sneeze like crazy. After a few days, I can breath so good. IMHO, it is the allergens leaving your system and your body healing.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    may or may not be the culprit - but I second (or third) the cut way back on any almond flour. I only use "flours" from any source as a treat. Nuts are to be used in moderation and using them as a snack or in their powdered form is too much.
    As a coach once said to me, "You won't be successful if you paleo-ize your sh!tty food choices" - or as Whole9 puts it - "SWYPO". Google it.
  • countrygram
    Thank you for your help and suggestions. I will cut out the almond flour treats and watch out more for the electrolytes and wheat withdrawal issues. I am feeling better, but still a few issues, I will see what time brings, but will stick with the lifestyle changes.