creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
I was diagnosed with pcos in 2005 and diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2009. Had a total thyroidectomy. This makes it even harder to lose weight IMO. Is anyone else in the same boat? Have you had any success with symptoms / weight?


  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Does your doctor have you on insulin? My longtime friend has PCOS and has to take metformin and has actually lost about 30 lbs since then, changed her diet a little bit and works out twice a week on a good day lol
  • creay2012
    creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
    The short answer is no. He did run my blood sugars and the are fine therefore will not prescribe metformin. I am not a big advocate for scripts if I can do it with diet I prefer since I hate taking pills. Hence the lack of consistency with vitamin lol I was wondering if anyone had any diet secrets that has worked given both these issues
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    PCOS is linked to spikes in insulin so what about following a diabetic diet ( carb consistent) for a week or 2 and see how you feel??
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    MEEEEEEE!!! My insulin is fine as well so there was no discussion about medications to manage the PCOS other than a very recent prescription for that Sprio-one to help with the facial hair. I found that going lowish carb/lower sugar worked pretty well initially for weight loss, though I plateaued right before the holidays. My endo's been adjusting my Levo dosage every 8 weeks but I kind of believe her when she says that wouldn't effect my weight, since the increments are so small (the last change was to cut a pill in half one day a week).

    This month I go back to tracking carbs and reducing sugar and see if I can get this weight loss going again. In the hayday of my new diet (pre-holidays) I was dropping a full pound every two weeks. Really slow by anyone else's standards but a total victory for us thyroidless Cysters.
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    Any pound that comes off and does not come back is a VICTORY lol
  • creay2012
    creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
    MeepleMuppet I have tried low card low sugar high protein but it is hard to follow. Can I ask how much carbs/sugar you take in with a low diet?

    I agree on the facial hair I think I keep the salon in business with the amount of waxing I get done. I just want to get under 200 by may I don't think it is realistic at this point but I will try
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    My intake is relative. I was eating a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and eating out about four nights a week, using tortillas the rest of the nights (chili and tacos, chili and tacos, every week chili and tacos). For sugar, I used to have a latte every day with flavoring and three mint patties from a co-worker's desk. That's why I say "lowish" and "er" because I just did what I could. No more bagels, reduce the number of sandwiches to once or twice a week, cook dishes that we didn't want to roll up into a tortilla. I try to grab only one chocolate a week, switched to Cafe Au Laits with sugar free flavoring. That got me a net loss of 14 pounds before the holidays. Unscientific, I admit. But the changes are sustainable (with the exception of the sugar over the holidays) and that's what was important to me.
  • creay2012
    creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
    great loss. I don't know what is wrong I tracked me food for 2 weeks and somehow I lost 2 pounds week 1 (water weight) and gained 3.3 pounds week 2. I am just confused and frustrated
  • WrenPat60
    WrenPat60 Posts: 45 Member
    What is pcos?
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Hormone imbalance that causes a variety of symptoms including extraneous hair, fertility issues, and, because we can't process sugar properly, weight gain/difficulty losing weight.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Creay - I wouldn't sweat anything less than a 4 pound swing over, say, three weeks. Water weight is a crazy thing and the swing really can be that large depending on what you have been eating. Allow for that ebb and flow and reevaluate in a month, maybe even two. That's where you'll see the real differences (either way).
  • creay2012
    creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
    Meeplemuppet-- it is so frustrating. I know I am retaining water and I have asked the dr about a water pill but of course his answer is not necessary. I really need to watch the sodium intake I think that is where I am retaining the most water from. I am addicted to my scale LOL I cant go longer then a full week without jumping on to see progress. We will see how the next week goes. I am going to get bw early next week if it doesn't snow again. I am thinking my synthroid is off due to the symptoms I have been having.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Yup! That's exactly what happens to me. I LOVE eating out and can always tell for the next two days when I over did it on the salt. I weight myself every day, against the recommendations of people here on MPL. But I'm a gamer and you always need to know where you are in the scoring :)

    Good luck with the retest! I have mine in another week (again! 8 weeks just flies by when you hate needles). I was a hair's breath from 0 the last time so hopefully this last adjustment did it. Sometimes I get the feeling it's going to be like Ernie trying to even out the two Twizzlers on Sesame Street. Ooop, this one's a little short. Now THIS one's short, back to the first one....
  • creay2012
    creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
    I totally get it. Hindsight is 20/20 if only I knew how hard it would be to lose weight and feel healthy.....oh well looking forward

    As for salt intake I finally caved into a craving I have been having and had Chinese food which is loaded with salt. I am hoping with extra water,green tea and some cranberry juice it does the trick lol I do not want to see a gain this week. I do need to start adding in some cardio but have no energy kinda a 20/20 I never felt so energized then when I went to the gym but I cant seem to get going this time around.

    what makes it worse is I have a party coming up in may and want to look somewhat healthy (if this makes sense)