Starting Paleo Lifestyle and Crossfit

Hello everyone,
I actually have a few questions regarding crossfit and paleo. I have recently decided to join a crossfit gym and have started to take a few introductory classes to get a feel of things. I was thinking of incorporating the paleo lifestyle but am not really sure how to set things up. My goal is to lose the last 10-15 pounds of fat. I am not too worried about the weight on the scale because I know there are many other ways to track progress I haven't even weighed myself in over 6 months. i would rather lose inches and look better in the mirror. Anyways, I am a 20 year old female at 5'6'' and I'm guessing 140 pounds( not really sure). I would say I have a medium body frame.(endomorph) I do have a decent amount of muscle but it's still covered up by that last layer of fat, especially in the abdominal area. i know that the last bit of fat is really hard to lose but I am dedicated and will do whatever it takes, in a healthy manner. Previously, my macros on myfitnesspal were set at 50p/30c/20f but that hasn't been working for the past few months. I need to change things up. What macro breakdown for paleo would you recommend, based on my goals? I was thinking maybe 40p/25c/35f at 1500-1600 calories. Oh and I will probably be cross fitting 3-4 times/week. Do you think I should increase my fat and lower my carbs? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!


  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Everyone is different, but most find more fat works wonders. Mine is set to 50f/30p/20c, however I typically find myself eating 60/30/10. The first week or two of eating this way you will be tired (what's commonly known as the carb flu.) After that passes, you will feel amazing (and crossfit will be easier!)