Do you eat your exercise calories?

I'm not planning on it except for occasional special occasions. ( I think, haven't completely decided yet) Just wondering what other people's experience with it has been.


  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    most of the time I don't. there have been days were I was hungry and I ate less than half of them back.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Not so far but I'm a week into this journey.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    im new to logging foods as in calories so i havent..
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    for me it depends if im hungry i will, if im not i dont go out of my way to :)
  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    Normally no, but if I know I'm going out for a meal or something I will exercise to keep within my limits
  • TBarron784
    TBarron784 Posts: 24 Member
    It seems that I do. Not intentionally though. The type of products are like are just too high in calories, even for just a bit.:grumble:
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    I do but I think I'd find it hard to function on less than 1200 net calories. Maybe it's in my head though. :tongue:

    If I do extra cardio I don't add it in though.
  • Misty2024
    Misty2024 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't eat back my exercise calories burned , but if I know I will be going out to eat I will add in more of a work out to burn extra calories.
    There is so many different views on thinking is do what is working for you try both ways and listen to your body if your tired, not feeling well, headaches then yes up your calorie intake....but I'm not a doctor lol :) good luck in finding what works for you :)
  • I try not to but if I'm still starving then I will. If not then I try to stay away from food.
  • No never

    I use diet to lose weight/bodyfat
    My weight training is my hobby and passion, I never mix the two, :wink: if it helps all well and good but don't rely on it. i always want my exercise to be fun and not a chore
  • godot77
    godot77 Posts: 24
    NO! I never do anymore. I started this about a month ago, and gained 3 lbs, by eating my exercise calories, which tend to be around 300 per day/6 days per week. I have found that I lose at an ok pace (up to 2 lbs per week) by NOT eating exercise points. And I don't go below 1200 calories per day. My goal is 1200, but I keep it at 1200 and change.
  • vstarz15
    vstarz15 Posts: 9 Member
    it definitely depends on your body type and metabolism/activity level, but if you are looking to use exercise to amp the weight loss rate then try not to (like others have been saying) obviously you'll lose at a faster rate if you are exercising regularly and NOT eating your exercise calories. i try and think about this when it's 9pm and i have some of those calories sitting on my food diary from the day's workout…...:wink:
  • brayla1
    brayla1 Posts: 142 Member
    I've really started hitting this strong this week, I am going to try and not eat back the workout calories. I agree, everyone is different. I'm going to see where I am in a month, I figure that gives my body a chance to show me if this is the right tact to take.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    I've really started hitting this strong this week, I am going to try and not eat back the workout calories. I agree, everyone is different. I'm going to see where I am in a month, I figure that gives my body a chance to show me if this is the right tact to take.
