When does your metabolism slow down and what to do?

I've been so good last couple of days! Feel like I really 'get' the weightloss thing again.. Trying not to eat late at night and try to eat what I need and be happy about it. I eat about 1200 call and feel okay with it. For some people 1200 is really a limit before you slow your metabolism down and I don't want that to happen!
However its a bit confusing for me because i think I'm ok with 1200 cal.
Does anyone have any ideas about it?

Maybe useful to know Im female 22, 179 and 60 kg

Thanks and feel free to add me. My diary is public



  • jeridith
    jeridith Posts: 67 Member
    I was eating 1200 a day when I started MFP, and the weight was coming off. I hit a plateau for a couple of weeks, so recalculated using the TDEE - 15% which put me at 1350. The weight started coming off again. When I lost another 5 pounds or so, I recalculated using MFPs recommendations, which put me at 1560. The weight is still coming off. If you're losing weight and not feeling deprived or hungry, I wouldn't worry about the 1200. If you hit a plateau or after you've lost 5-10 pounds you might want to up it some.